Tuesday, April 5, 2016

I'am convinced that most of the saints were religious dropouts from societies that were going nowhere. Jesus reign of God was telling us that culture as we've created it is on a track toward self-destruction and emptiness.
  Finding God and losing the self are the same thing; we don't really come by it naturally or choose it of ourselves. Faith is always God's thing. It seems to be the only way the Lord can draw us into a new viewpoint, a new point from which to view the life that is larger than life.

 >Fr. Richard Rohr<

Friday, March 4, 2016

God has given all of us different personalities and characters from birth. our environment, our religion, our education all play A roll in what do in life but the core of who we are,  the type A. or B. personality will always be there. As Christians it's hard to pin Jesus down to any type A. or type B. personality because He could be both.  The Jesus who trashed the buyers and sellers in the temple was not the same Jesus that said, he that has sinned not let him be the first to throw a stone at the adulterous woman. But if Jesus was meek and humble I don't think He was a type A. personality.
The point is He was free to be both depending on what kind of situation He was confronting and still be the Son of God and love God the Father. The love for God was consistent but His temperament was not. The confirmation name I was confirmed with was John. But I can't remember which one?....John the baptist or John the beloved who rested his head on Jesus chest. The two of them were as opposite as you can get.  John the baptist lived in the desert. He was the one who saw the Pharisees coming and basically called them a bunch of snakes and accused them of living in sin. John saw no repentance in them at all. You can't preach grace and then leave and live like the Pharisees which is we all know what they were doing. >Bishop Noel Jones<  I don't think the Pharisees came to john for repentance. I think they came to check John out and take notes. Deep down inside the Pharisees were always insecure and jealous around Jesus and John and probably some others too. Jesus and John irritated and angered the Pharisees just for who they were. Jesus wasn't fond of them either. But Jesus, John the baptist, and John the beloved as different as their personalities were ALL loved God and that's the point I'm trying to make. I admire people who can always keep things positive but......(I'am going to step on some toes) It's not biblical because we all know all of us can find ourselves in the temple or the desert or at peace with Jesus and back to the temple again. And we shouldn't deny, hide, or stuff those feeling down inside us and say there not there because there going to come out sooner or latter one way or the other. They will. Jesus was in complete control of His emotions 24/7 and we know God isn't a robotic machine. He got angry.  He got angry and there was no sin in that anger. He was angry and sinned not.  John the baptist the greatest man born of a woman is best known for baptising Jesus........and his temper. But their love for God never waivered.  Christians and much of the church today are unbalanced.  Christianity is so far over to the I'm ok and your ok Christianity or the hell fire and brimstone Christianity that we've lost touch of the most important ingredient, knowing God's will and the faith to carry it out.  Keep it upbeat and happy Bishop or you'll lose congregants and that means losing money. That's called religious politics. That's called running YOUR show. And you will slowly smother the Holy Spirit. These mega churches aren't bubbling over with the Spirit. There bubbling over with pride and arrogance. Do you think the Holy Spirit is going to stay in your church because you tell it to?  God is going to show you something your not going to like. He doesn't care if we're A. or B. or how many tiles we have. He cares about faith, love, and obedience. The road to hell is paved with good works. Every bishop or preacher will tell you the annointing is moving in their church. Have you heard anyone say otherwise? Repentance isn't easy but Hell is harder. If I know I'v offended someone I leave my gift at the altar and man up I show people I'm not a hypocrite and practice what I preach and I ask for forgiveness and take responsibility for my own actions. I don't act like a little boy and tell people I'm not perfect and that God is still working on me. That record wore out 20 years ago. Have you grown since then Bishop? You who accuse others of having too much pride do you have pride?  You keep surprising me with how immature you really are. What you do next will be a turning point in your life.  You're at a crossroad Bishop. You're pride has backed you up into a corner. And what you do next has nothing to do with me. This is your decision. I made mine a long time ago.