Friday, March 23, 2018

Forgiving those that have (at times) tried to destroy you is insane behavior. Some would call it foolish and in the eyes of the world, it is. Jesus said to forgive your enemies and even pray for them as He forgave us by taking our sin upon himself when He suffered and died on the cross opening up the door to Eternal life and God himself. This is what Christianity is all about. Our penalty was paid in full. Jesus walked the radical Grace of forgiveness He preached. This is where most Christians trip up. We say we've forgiven them but when the first chance to destroy them comes along we grab it and use it against them. That act against them can stunt our growth and we grow no further in the things of God. How can we? The world looks at us and says they can talk it but they don't walk it. (Matt.5:46-47) The other stumbling block is honesty. The Big Stuff. Honesty about ourselves and life around us. There are so many different reasons we can stand on to justify our actions. I'm human, I understand and most of all God understands. He knows why we do what we do. When life presents a significant issue that we come up against, we can forgive and we can be honest or we can compromise our walk with God and go the worlds way. Life is life, and things happen in life we never expect or saw coming. What do we do? If God is working with someone and things are changing and they've walked with God for many, many, years, and they ruin that through open and outright dishonesty or unforgiveness they've proven where their loyalty lies. I've had so many opportunities to hate and judge people only God would know. I've seen the Worst of people. People have tried to tear me down again and again. I've never gone after people but I will defend myself and I know God is on my side. There are perks no one else will see but you and God. God cares more about how we treat people than how much of the word of God we know. He cares more about honesty than any mountain sitting before us. God will throw your mountain into the sea but He cannot make us walk in truth and forgiveness. That's our choice, not anybody else's. Most of the church lives in one or two or both. Today even the church is a cut-throat world. People don't forgive each other and they're not honest with themselves. When the rubber hits the road they take the easy way out. If we're going to make a difference in the world we have to live differently than the world does. Set apart. We have to be living examples of what we say we believe in not just talk the talk. Some forgive expecting something back. How is that any different from the world? Where's the sacrifice in that? Being honest where there are no consequences for your honesty is easy. But, Every now and then life presents us with a crossroad. It's yes, or no. Are you a Christian or are you not? Are you authentic or are you a look-a-like? Can we forgive their wrongs against us? Can we be honest knowing the consequences? God is their there judge and we don't have to worry about where they are with God in this life. But when we can prove we've forgiven them and own our part in honesty and truth not wanting or expecting anything in return,  that's when the people around you take notice. If our lives don't reflect who we say we are when we're up against the wall then we end up in no mans land where they party 24/7 and we might lose the best chance we had in life to prove we are who we say we are and that Christ and the power of God are real. Who cares what people think? Let them think you're crazy and foolish. God will ask us to do crazy things to test our loyalty and they can be the most important times of our lives. Authentic, True, significant in the things of God and forgiving. The truth is most Christians can't or won't do this. You can. Forgiveness on that level isn't for weak people. It's rare, it's crazy, and it's insane but God ordained. We're flawed people but God is looking for Honest and Forgiving people who are authentic. This life is short. We're here for a little while and then gone. Who cares how radical you are? Do your best to please God as the opportunities present themselves. Be a living example of who we really are.