Thursday, May 16, 2019

When Jesus looked at Peter and said, get behind me satan (Matt.16:23) I can imagine what went through Peter's mind. Remember, this was toward the end of Jesus ministry and they were on their way to Jerusalem.  Peter seems to be the Apostle Jesus allowed into His inner circle. Peter, James, and John were there with Him but Peter was His number one go-to guy. Peter was definitely the leader of this rag-tag group and Peter knew it. There was some jealousy within the other Disciples if they were actually arguing about who was the greatest among them toward the end of Christ ministry. Everyone knew Peter, James, and John were His first three so the argument was probably about who was fourth, fifth, and six, etc. A few years earlier Peter would have never dreamed he'd be in the position he was in right now. The greatest man to ever walk the face of the earth chose him to walk with Him.  Impossible! But God is an impossible God who purposely mixes and shakes things up and it shook up the statist quo to say the least. It's not written down but I am sure the "Successful" religious Pharisees would laugh at who Jesus had chosen for His dream team. His top guy used to........ catch fish? The Pharisees couldn't get their head around who this guy (Jesus) was and what His message to the world was? (still is).  Peter knew nothing about ministry doing and what he did know was probably wrong. These nobodies are going to sabotage this Man's Ministry for us (Pharisees). Let's let them self-destruct and things will settle down again and the people will come back to us. That's not what Peter was thinking or wanted or would even imagine could happen. So when Jesus started talking about being tortured and put to death Peter objected. And what happened next must have shocked everyone within ear-shot when He turned to Peter His right-hand man and said...... get behind Me Satan. He didn't smile and put his hand on Peter's shoulder and say, Pete, let's do lunch today and I'll go over some of the things we'll be doing together in the next few day's. Jesus was always upfront about the things of God first and foremost. He addressed Peter as the devil. It must have felt like cold water in his face when Jesus said this. I can imagine how fast word got out about what had just happened. Jesus called Peter the Devil. To make matters worse Peter would also deny Him three times not long after that. Judas didn't know his betrail would lead to the Lord's death. He probably thought the Jewish leaders would ruff Him up, tell Him to shut up and throw Him out the door. Peter knew it looked bad for Jesus. He knew unless something was done soon, they were probably going to kill Him. And instead of stepping up or speaking up or giving his life up to protect Christ like he had pledged to do, Peter denied Him 3 times and swore he didn't know the man they arrested called Jesus. Think about what a failure Peter must have felt during those dark days that followed. People go through the worst, deepest, darkest times of their life when any and all hope is gone and you know life will never be the same again. All of us have been there to one degree or another. Despair, death, defeat, etc. But here's the good news. This too will pass. We never know how strong we are until the cards fate deal us that knockout punch. That straw that finally broke the camels back. Death, sickness, disease, loss, whatever it is. If you ever get to a place when you feel like the only thing left you can do is knock on that door, then keep knocking on that Judge's door. (See the parable of widow and Judge) Sometimes it's exactly where God wants us. Peter and a great multitude of Saints that surround you that have been there before you will tell you this---> Your God is the God of the Resurrection and the Life. Of Heaven and earth. The God who calls things that are not as though they are. The God who can make son's of Abraham out of stones. The God who says peace be still and the storm stops. The God who says all things are possible. (Matt.19:26) Trust God. God's got the map through everything.

Fresh Truth: Did Jesus have enemies? We know He did. Jesus had ...

Fresh Truth: Did Jesus have enemies? We know He did. Jesus had ...: Did Jesus have enemies? We know He did. Jesus had more enemies than disciples. Why would He have more enemies if He came to Save the world a...