Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Crown Of Grief.

Wearing their colors
They fall, bleed, and die
Mothers with broken hearts
Kiss their sons goodbye
One more wasted
One more tasted
The grim reapers gun
One bullet one son
Buried deep
Covered in sleep
Sprinkled down dream
Sandman clean
Colors blue or red
Around their head
Death got mugged
Like a stepped on bug
Stiff in sleep
Their loved ones weep
Baptized in violence
And people are silent

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Is violence ever permitted by God? The question should be, will men ever be at peace with one another?  No! Not in this world. Men have been killing each other since Cain and Able. Jesus said I send you (Christians) out as sheep among wolves. In other words, things are going to change soon. I can't be a shepherd on earth forever (physically). When Jesus was with them they needed nothing. (Luke 22:35-36) But that would change. I think that's why one of the last things Jesus did before He left them was made sure they had a sword (It wasn't just to fulfill prophecy). It was so they could protect themselves against an evil violent world. Woe to the world because of sin. Sin, evil, violence, etc. must come. It's inevitable. It's with us and it's going to stay with us. The deepest offense to God doesn't seem to be the men engaged in the violence (to protect and save themselves). It's with the men who coordinated its beginnings. Who are the men that put this demonic thing into action that will affect so many? You can't say the devil made me do it because we have free will. Sickness and cancers and diseases have nothing to do with free will. War and violence do. When a civilization is put into play that oppresses people. Sooner or later the oppressed are going to fight back and you have violence and death again. The oppressed aren't the problem. It's the people who live by the sword who are the oppressors causing the problem. And if you live by the sword, sooner or later you'll die by the sword. When the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy, he doesn't care if you're a Christian or not. And he doesn't care what side you're fighting on. Death, misery, grief, horror, oppression, division, all come from war and wars will come. And the sheep either pick up the sword and fight back or they die being dominated by evil men. God's will for the sheep is to live in peace with one another. Not to get slaughtered. Jesus left them a sword for a reason. Be as innocent doves. And as wise as a serpent

Monday, November 25, 2019

Unpromised land.

The surf and the sands, the water, and the sea
Warn the souls on board, to vanish and flea
The rule of law, the right, and the wrong
Lay in silk coffins, with tears in their songs
Where is God, in this unholy mess?
Their god is their bible, unproperly dressed.
Crisscrossed holes, on tear-soaked floors
Hollow midnight strangers, knock twice on the door.
Whispering trees, see ghosts in the cotton
Tiptoeing spirits, split tooth and rotten
The man in the window, has tricks on his tongue
 A two-hearted soul, with a knife and a gun.

Blind leading the blind.

Grandfather clocks snap kidnapped nooses
Snake eyed gamblers hold aces and duces
Circus colored smoke nap on cotton candy chairs
Rebel rotted hands hold the tigers and bears
Zodiacs and fire chase crossed eyed clowns
The Hatfields and McCoys shoot 99 rounds

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Rat Race.

Silent haunted doors
Bood covered money
Assassinated dreams
Dressed like puppet mummies
Broken lost steps
Stolen choked greed
Buried bones on fire
Dead men still bleed
Antique rat spit
On tattooed walls
Crazy cracked keys
Nine and ten feet tall
Whistling disloyalty
Bulletproof coffins
Mama can't find you
But she'll visit you often

Friday, November 8, 2019

Lost for it!

Cracked church paint
singing ancient hymns
Blind eyed misfits
hearts of steel and tin
Angry sticks and stones
on hidden lost streets
Stroll up and down the isle
looking for a seat
Unrested sermons
on midnight owl time
Broken marble alters
old candles and spilled wine
>Lost for it<

Cracked church paint

singing ancient hymns
Blind eyed misfits
hearts of steel and tins
Angry sticks and stones