Saturday, August 9, 2014

Jesus and Paul excepted people right where they were.  Paul became all things to all men to win some over to Christ.  In other words, when in Rome do as the Romans do.  And Jesus at times would brake bread with the pharisees.  The very group He could rip into at times.  He went out of His way to help the pharisees see the truth. But the pharisees had a love & Hate relationship with him.  Sometimes they praised Him, and at other times they ridiculed Him. None the less He tried and ultimately went to the cross for them. We have to remember to meet people where they are in regards to their relationship with God. Everybodies on a different road but we're all headed in the same direction.  Jesus and Paul knew that. And I'm sure the rest of the Apostles did as well. Jesus never rejected anyone if they were willing to listen. He met you on your turf. Paul tried to fit in with people for the gospels sake.  Meaning He didn't make waves when He met new people.   Our part is to simply be the light. Then let the Holy Spirit work in them and do the rest.              
Be Blessed!

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