Tuesday, November 11, 2014

 If you've walked with God for awhile, you're going to come up against some opposition. I call the Gospel the sweet and sour good news. The sour side of the Gospel is when He begins to mold you into the image of His Son Jesus Christ. You're clay in His hands and He'll squeeze, push, pull, and twist you into His character. We're NEW creachers in Christ. He molded you together in your mothers womb, and He will do the same thing to the New you in the palms of His hands. It's not fun and it's not something you're going to want to deal with.  A test can be anything depending upon the person. But....the sour wine will ALWAYS turn into sweet wine, right on time, if you stay in line.  Don't run from it. Because wherever you go, it's gonna follow. You will face tribulations, persecutions, set backs, people will disown you, lie about you, etc. Jesus said if they persecuted me their gonna persecute you. Allot of the time when you go through "some Stuff"  the devils going to be right there whispering in you ear things like, you  messed up this time. You blew it. God blesses His people, He doesn't give them a hard time like what your going through, on and on. But the cold truth is God WILL give you struggles and put you through some stuff. And He'll even use the devil to do it. Don't forget, the devil is God's devil. And the devil wants to sift you, me and every other christian like wheat if he can. Before Jesus went to the cross He said peter, Satan has asked if he can sift you like wheat. But I have prayed for you. And God let 2 messagers (Angels) of Satan to harass Paul with the "thorn in the flesh" what ever that was. Sometimes even Christians will attack you. That's just the way it is. The devil isn't out dancing with the prostitutes and drug addicts at night, He's already got them. He's trying to bust up God's people. Divide and conquer. And he's good at it. But Listen To Me. Don't retaliate. Don't follow the righteous anger Gig either. That line of thinking has got some holes in it. Let God handle it. He will.  It's not if, but when. When these trials come, it's not because God's left you, or you're in sin, or you blew it.  It's because God knows what He's doing, and He's doing a Good work.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sins of the flesh. We can easily get confused as to what they are. Paul describes what these are in   >Gal. 5:19-21<    He lists 15 of them which are--->  enmity, strife, jealousy, rivalries, sensuality, sorcery, fits of anger, dissensions, impurity, idolatry, divisions, immorality, envy, drunkenness, and orgies. Every one of these "Sins of the flesh" take place in our mind, not our bodies except for the last two.  OK, lets put drunkenness and orgies aside and concentrate on the other 13. If you're honest with yourself,  These sins of the flesh can come and go through out your whole day sometimes.  Especially if we're having problems with someone.  There easy to commit. We sin and we don't even realize we've sinned because these sins seem so Innocent.  God is a Holy God and we can grieve the Holy Spirit easier than we think we can.  Our DNA has sin all over it.  When a christian says their dealing with some sin,  there not talking (Hopefully)  about drugs, alcohol, nicotine orgies etc.  There talking about attitudes of our mind and heart that go against God's Spirit. Some people have more trouble with these than others do. I think we can ALL say these sins can be problems for us sometimes.  These sins are basically disharmony with your neighbor or your heart within. If we say we have no sin we make God a liar and the truth is not in us. You could almost say because of what Christ did we're righteous sinners. God Bless!

Friday, November 7, 2014

A lot of times we can't see what God's plan is for us in the season we're in until certain things come to pass. Be patient and don't try to second guess what God is doing if things don't make sense in your life right now. And don't let other people try and tell you what God's will is for you in the season you're in. You know more than they do, but God knows more than you do. Usually the pieces to the puzzle come in a little bit at a time. Be patient and wait on God. In time you'll see the whole puzzle come together.