Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sins of the flesh. We can easily get confused as to what they are. Paul describes what these are in   >Gal. 5:19-21<    He lists 15 of them which are--->  enmity, strife, jealousy, rivalries, sensuality, sorcery, fits of anger, dissensions, impurity, idolatry, divisions, immorality, envy, drunkenness, and orgies. Every one of these "Sins of the flesh" take place in our mind, not our bodies except for the last two.  OK, lets put drunkenness and orgies aside and concentrate on the other 13. If you're honest with yourself,  These sins of the flesh can come and go through out your whole day sometimes.  Especially if we're having problems with someone.  There easy to commit. We sin and we don't even realize we've sinned because these sins seem so Innocent.  God is a Holy God and we can grieve the Holy Spirit easier than we think we can.  Our DNA has sin all over it.  When a christian says their dealing with some sin,  there not talking (Hopefully)  about drugs, alcohol, nicotine orgies etc.  There talking about attitudes of our mind and heart that go against God's Spirit. Some people have more trouble with these than others do. I think we can ALL say these sins can be problems for us sometimes.  These sins are basically disharmony with your neighbor or your heart within. If we say we have no sin we make God a liar and the truth is not in us. You could almost say because of what Christ did we're righteous sinners. God Bless!

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