Wednesday, April 8, 2015

I've often wondered if Jesus ever "Clowned around" with His disciples when they were away from the crowds. We know He could get angry (Trashing the Temple) And we know He was a Man of many sorrows. But there's no record of Him in the bible that says He laughed or joked around. In the Psalms it Say's God laughs at the wicked and knows their days are numbered, so we know for a fact God will laugh at us.  Jesus had the joy of the Lord,  I mean come on,  He was God and when the joy of the Lord comes on you,  You can get silly. Joyfully silly. The joy of the Lord is our strength. That speaks volumes. (Devil don't like silly joy)  Christians can take themselves way too seriously today. Especially on social media. The side they portray is "Holy and righteous" and you never see much of their human side of their person. I understand we have an image of Christianity we want the world to see,  but the world never See's the human side of us and I don't think that helps further the Gospel it might even hinder it. I do think Jesus may have lightly teased His followers most close to Him. we should lighten it up a little bit.  Be true to thine own self and be a blessing.  

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