Wednesday, July 4, 2018

At Gethsemane, Jesus was under so much presser He sweated blood. His mission would soon come to a close. The very reason for His existence on earth,  to teach the Gospel and spread the Kingdom of God on earth to all who would listen, understand, and accept the Salvation He would offer through the cross was upon Him and He must have been thinking He came up short. What angered Jesus the most was unbelief and a hardened heart. (aside from being set up and attacked by Pharisees). When He warned His disciples about the leaven of the Pharisees they had no idea what He was talking about. He had to remind them about the fishes and the loaves before they understood what He was saying (Matt.16:5-11). It wasn't because their hearts were hardened it was because they just didn't understand the inlining message. Fast forward to the last supper. Soon they'll be left without Him. I wonder what Jesus must have felt like when they're 'Celebrating' the last meal with them and another argument breaks out about who'll be the greatest (Luke 22:24). They had learned nothing from the earlier argument they had about who's would be the greatest back in Luke 9:46. That kind of pettiness and pride go against what He had taught them for the last three years. These guys weren't even on milk,  they were still on the water. You know the devil was in Jesus ear. Lucifer always hits us hardest when we're at our weakest. Later in Gethsemane, He takes Peter, James, and John and tells them to wait for Him while goes off to pray and they keep falling asleep.

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