Tuesday, July 21, 2020

What happened to innocent until proven guilty in this country?  I'm talking about the sexual "allegations" Against Ed Henry, Sean Hannity, and Tucker Carlson at Fox News. All of a sudden we see this "Cancel mob" that comes out of nowhere and condemn these men before they've had a trial in the court of law? For years I've heard comments from Shean Hannity about his Christian faith. Millions of "Christian" viewers have watched his show for years. That includes Bishops, Pastors, and  Priest, and minister in the body of Christ. Will they step up to give Shaun Hannity support? Not only for him personally but for a show of solidarity, to show the world we're are united as brothers and sisters in Christ. God doesn't care if someones a member of your Church. I know these "allegations" are something lawyers and courts will rule on. Let the facts and the truth in the court of law, where both sides present their case be the jury and judge and not the cancel mob. This 'cancel' fad has taken residence over the rule of law within the media networks. It has to stop. Fox News fires these men because of "allegations" made by two women? Fox News has suddenly become a part of this cancel mob and already fired these men. Can you see what's happening? First, it was Bill O'Reilly. Now it's these men. Are they guilty? We don't know. Have they had a chance to present their side In The Court Of Law and not the court of public opinion or the"cancel crew"? No! The social media public square has already decided these men are guilty. That's where we're at today in America. FOX NEWS is letting a cancel mob intimidate them. So far the evidence brought forth, are some tweets and allegations these two women have made. That's all. To ruin someone's career today all you need are allegations and a tweet.  If these men are guilty and have done what they've been accused of they have two choices if they take their faith seriously. Own it. It's the right thing to do. Or, continue to live your life in a lie. If Shaun Hannity is a true blue Christian....... He will admit to what he's done. In other words. There may be some truth in what these women have accused him of and if there is, he will own up to his part. He has to if he wants to keep the peace of God in him. If you're going to put public opinion above God's opinion about you, you're not going to move forward in the Kingdom of God, period. Forget what the world's opinion of you is. If any of these accused men are true Christians... Nothing will separate them from God. God's hand will never pull away from someone because of the mistakes they've made in their life. If God's hand is on them they won't have to worry about the world throwing stones and shooting arrows at them. (the Church will take care of that). God's people are the only people I've met in this life who shoot their own wounded. They don't want the world to see that we're just as human as they are. We make mistakes and fall into the same pit holes they do. If we don't fit into the shape of their box we can't be united with them. There are deal breakers that will disqualify you from most churches with a public platform. But God will never disqualify you. If they don't want you they'll dig up something you said or did years ago, stretch that truth as far as it can go and throw it out to the 'church'.  By the time it gets back to you,... you're gay. Or you're broke and gay. Or, you smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day. Or, you sleep naked and raped gay women who smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day. You get the point. Unfortunately, I don't think Shaun Hannity will get any public support from a Christian leader until he goes to trial and is cleared of these allegations. If he's guilty I doubt very much you'll see any Christian leaders from any church that will give him support. Support doesn't equate with anyone's guilt or innocence. If these guys did what they're accused of I hope they do the time they deserve. If these women are lying they're going to reap what they've sown. Our society today is a reflection of the condition of most American churches. But, that doesn't mean God isn't at work. I think things may get worse before they get better. But God is still at work. That's why I think it's important for people to stay strong no matter what the world throws at you or what you see happening around you. Remind yourself every day that God's power will see you through anything you'll encounter in the future. Sooner or later you'll see a move of God's Spirit for repentance and prayer. How bad do things have to get before God's people call on Him and turn from the ways of the world? Time will tell. How we view the world or our theology within Christianity etc. doesn't matter anymore. The people who are hungry enough for God will be blessed by His Spirit. We are in a difficult period as never before. When we see and hear about people we looked up to accused of things like the three men at Fox News are, wait and be patient. Pray for them. That they would not be railroaded but have a fair trial and let the truth fall where it may. Don't let a mistake take precedence over the mistake itself. By not being honest you hurt yourself more than any cancel mob could do.  Be Blessed. Be patient about what's happening in the world. And be prayerful.

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