Saturday, June 6, 2015

John appeared in the wilderness and all the people of Judea & Jerusalem came out to him <Mark 1:44-5<'re thinking What?....They came out to John? That weirdo people talk about that lives in the desert dressed up with camels hair like a cave man?..Yeah, that John. Sweet Lord Jesus whats John preaching out there?  Its gotta be how God can bring you favor, right? No!  Then it's about how God can bless you in some kinda way,  because people don't trudge all the way out into the wilderness with snakes and wild animals roaming around to hear what this homeless loser has to say unless it's something good. What's John talking about?....John's talking about sin, repentence and, pointing people to the true messenger. It doesn't make sense does it?  People don't want hear Sin. In fact that's about the last thing people want to hear. It makes more sense to think the people would be going out there to shut John up. People are getting irritated listening to him telling everybody their sinners and they need to repent, he needs to repent.  But King Herod protected John >Mark 6:20<  This crooked  king with blood all over his hands actually like to hear John the baptist preach. That blows me away. This is the same guy that would order John's execution in the very near future. Corrupted power will make you do things you don't want to do, to insure things keep running smoothly and you can save face.  What  John had was the Truth. Give them the Truth and the people will come. Because when cultures and societies get so corrupted, in time people don't know who or what to believe anymore, and they just want the TRUTH. God is a God of Spirit and truth and without that nothing changes.  It's just more of the same slice up and diced up over and over to get people in the pews, and the only think that happens is the  people remain dry . Their dieing of thirst and nobodies giving it to them.  Jesus said come to me all ye that are thirsty and drink from the river of life.  John may have been in the river in Jordan, but his message had the truth that led people to the river of life good glory to God I'm gettin happy just preachin to myself.  John new the truth would set them free, and he new they were ready to receive it.  He was preaching and the people kept right on coming and he just kept on preaching cause you know John was a shoutin Holy preacher praise God. It don't matter if it's a hairy, scary cave man preaching way out in the wilderness,  when people get hungry enough for the truth they'll come. I wonder how many times the devil tried to shut  John down?  Personally I think that's why John lived where he did. He must  have got so tired of dealing with the the presser and resistance and haters he was up against that God finally said John,  move out of there.  John was was human too. You know he was dealing with some powerful principalities, and that can affect you emotionally, spiritually, and physically. He finally got to the point where he had to removed himself from the drama. Even Jesus the son of God would remove himself from the crowds to be alone from time to time. John didn't care if he was out of the picture. In fact he wanted it that way saying I must decrease and He must increase. John cared about the message not the messenger or who brought it. He didn't have a secret agenda, He wasn't competing with people, he wasn't even thinking on that level.  John was all about pointing the people to the right person, Jesus Christ. There are some preachers who are beginning to open up with the truth. I'm surprised at how little some Christians knows about Christianity. It almost hurts.  But if God is behind it, nobody can stop it. One way or the other God's will is going to come out on top. I've seen how God can come through with situations that look impossible again and again. We just have to keep any loose ends tighten up and keep praying and get out of the way. God's going to do it. ----->Be Blessed<----

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