Friday, June 19, 2015

Martin Luther King Walked in the way, the truth, and the light of Jesus Christ. He was for real hope and change. There was no deception or cover up in what he preached or stood for. He brought out the best in people. God was with Dr. MLK and people from all races and genders, rich or poor were too.  Al Sharpton and those like him will never bring us peace. I believe America is at a tipping point right now. If we can't bring out the truth and work with each other now,  when will we?  If S.C. shooting doesn't wake up ALL Americans then what will?...It would have to be something worse than what happened in S.C.  If people can't or wont invite the Holy Spirit in as part of the racial  solution today then their the wrong people to move forward with. Other wise it will be the same song and dance we've heard for the last 10 years. If I was in Charleston's S.C.  I'd be asking the leaders of the black community churches to find a Godly man of Truth and integrity to stand up and lead us out of this mess America has fallen prey to. We need to heal this Hatred between the races. The people who want to continue to deny and look away, Let them. One day they'll stand before Jesus Christ and give an account as to why they ignored the growing hatred and division between the blacks and whites until the lid of hatred and evil  finally blew it's top off.  If we can't stand by and help stop the racial violence people are living with because of the color of their skin,  black, white or any other, then we might as well  go back to our cushy lives and let them kill each other and work it out for themselves while we watch America continue to implode on itself.  These 9 God loving christian that died that day blew the whistle on what's happening in America and they died with God by their side.  God was no where near this racist killer. Their deaths don't have to be in vain.  Most of the responsibility as to how we got here as Americans lies in  the media's hands.  They decide what you and I will be informed about.  If they had done their jobs and worked on the real and significant issues plaging our country ten years ago, we wouldn't be where we are today.  We don't want jacked up sensationalized news anymore. Today everything is "Breaking news". We need a real and legitimate news station for people to get their information from that doesn't lean left or right but gives us news that can keep us in touch of important information and issues that affect our daily lives. Martin Luther King would probably say America needs God again but most Christians don't care about the condition Americas churches are in today.  Jesus Christ does.  And He cares about the racial divide America is going through today.  Who are we going to listen to?  What has our faith taught us as Christians? Today all our attention is on our next blessing from God, and the Golden Rule with racial harmony gets shoved back into a corner. America needs God again.

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