Friday, July 17, 2015

There are too many problems with the church today that you don't know where to start. One of them is how sanitized the church has become. Nobodies honest with each other. There's no room for problems or pain and if you're not cheerful 24/7 stay out of the church, it's negative energy and we're not about that in 2015.  Lets be honest, the face you bring to church on Sunday isn't the same person you live with the rest of the week. You can shake your head and say I'm wrong but that won't change a thing. Either you truly don't see the denial your living in, or you do and your denying it. Either way THAT'S Toxic energy.  The church today isn't for the suffering.  Jesus clearly said anyone who wants to be my disciple, let him take up his cross DAILY and follow me. Sounds to me like Jesus is telling his followers we're going to have some kind of a cross until the day we die. That's not today's Christianity. Today's Christianity says don't be sad or confused or angry or mad, if someone sins against you just ignore it and forgive them, don't rock the boat and follow what everybody else is doing. Christians don't read their bibles today. God doesn't work through robots. the people He chooses to work through are human beings that still know what it means to be human, their not afraid to admit their undone. They don't live in a fantasy land and pretend like everything is perfect. And if they get pushed hard enough they'll call you out like Jesus did. Christians today don't want to admit Jesus got into it with people.  And if they do the subject is changed right away. He even resorted to name calling if you pushed Him the right way on the right day. >Matt. 23:13-33<  Names like hypocrite, Snake, Fools, Blind guilds, and children from Lucifer. When Jesus like John the Baptist said how can you escape the coming hell fire They were in affect saying.....your going to hell. That's not today's church. Today's church is do not offend. Don't rock the boat. Do not Step on anyones toes. Like when Jesus went postal in the Temple and started throwing money around, tipping over tables? God is Love and here comes love rockin the boat, steppin on toes and offending people. Until Christian start rocking the boat, offending people and stepping on toes the church is going to stay right in the middle of this spiritual drought. Why are people so afraid of offending someone today. The people who aren't afraid are those that don't have an image to live up to and don't have to live up to and what other people expect them to, those people are free to say what they want to say which is what Jesus expects us to do. Jesus wasn't P.C.  He was just the opposite.  Keep your eye on the prize-----> Heaven!  

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