Tuesday, August 4, 2015

I'm just going to say this because it needs to be said. This whole idea about forgetting your past and moving forward or staying in a positive state of mind and avoiding any negative energy or people is not how Christians are suppose to live their lives. I'm just passing on the instructions that were given to us by Jesus Christ that still hold true today.  Jesus didn't come for the healthy, He came for the broken, the lost and hurting people (People with negative energy) >Luke 5:31<
  How and when did this new age "energy " life style or belief  find it's way into the Body of Christ?   If someone is telling you Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit is in that stuff their lying to you.  If you want to serve and grow in the Kingdom of God, You have go and do what Christ did. You have to pickup your cross and follow Him. Any negative energy someone has in them has to bow to the Holy Spirit inside you. Everybody has their own limit and dedication of surrender they'll give to Christ but here's what people forget---> God is pleased by how much faith and obedience we have toward Him.  Not our nicey nice and Mr. and Mrs. Church and their volunteer work. That stuff is needed and important. Very important, but it's not what God wants most from us. It's our faith and obedience. It's so simple it goes over most peoples head. The Just shall live by FAITH not good works. I try to be nice and kind with people, but don't keep stepping on my toes. I'm  human too. And God gets angry too. If people can't get along with me it's because their not trying to. Despite our flaws God still works through us by our Faith, not how sweet and kind we are.
 Faith comes by hearing, and hearing from the word of God. One day a week the church comes together to be reminded of who and what we are in Christ. How to seek first the Kingdom of God. How to grow in righteousness and Holiness. How to forgive your enemies and walk in love. Who Jesus Christ is. And last not least how to grow in faith. everything else can wait outside for 2 hours. And the only energy we should be concerned about is the energy and power we get from the Holy Spirit.  God works in mysterious ways.    

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