Wednesday, September 2, 2015

You have to be careful when you hear testimonies of people who have died and come back to life.
I believe the secular people who have died and come back to life when they say their experience was good on the other side.
And I believe them when they say they felt unconditional love and they were met by a being of light and guided to a beautiful place where they met their loved ones. I'm not doubting they experienced that.
But this doesn't necessarily mean they stay there forever and that they won't be judged for their lives sometime in the future. Remember the parable of the wedding feast Jesus taught? When the King came in to look at the guests, He saw a man who wasn't wearing a wedding garment and questioned him.
When the man had no answer, he was bound and cast out from the wedding. >Matt. 22: 12-14<
Jesus is saying, there will be people inside the Kingdom Wedding who will be removed. Could these people be the secular people who have died rejecting Christ?  I don't know. I don't claim to understand the ways and means of God's judgement.  But I do know the word of God is true. And I believe what it teaches us and warns us about.  We can't accept the experience of people who've died and come back to life to be the final destination for all of us. If the devil comes as an angel of light, how are we to know and recognize what's true and what's not? We know by weighing the information against the word of God. We're not lost sheep without a Shepperd here trying to guess our best with what we hear and see as being true or false. Jesus is the Word of God. The way, the truth, and the Life.  Heaven and earth will pass away. But the word of God will never pass away.

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