Sunday, November 8, 2015

I gave  $25.00 to the potters house ministry with Bishop T.D. Jakes last week. I know it's not much but I gave it anyway because it's good soil,  the man is saved,  and he speaks my language.  every Sunday His sermons speak to me in one way or another.  He can bring a tear to my eye, or step on my toes or what ever.  I can relate to 85% of his sermons every Sunday.  I'm not talking about one or two Sundays,  I'm talking about months.   I'm either crazy, or God is behind this crazy thing. I'm not going to go into the M.O. God uses  to Yay, or Nay something. But this Sunday He gave me three of them. They were all Yes and amen.
If I lived in Dallas I'd be a member of his church.  There are no churches up here that lift up Jesus and preach like he does.   In fact, Nobody preaches like him. I ran into him on you tube a year ago and said to myself, this man was born to preach.  Preaching has never been my thing,  but I've always admired preachers that can preach like that.  Their gifted no doubt.  His message today was good soil verses bad soil.  I don't know if the soil I'm in is good or bad.  But I do know I'm not growing like I should be. I'm not using what I have as well as I could be. I've been knocking, and knocking on doors that never open. I even wrote a book And shared bits and pieces of it on twitter & my blog hoping someone might be interested in helping me get it into the right hands to better me financially and better enviorment and someone stole it and copyrighted in her name or someone Else's name.  I don't know which or what was stolen from the book , but now It's all chopped up with missing pieces that could be anywhere in the story.  she did this with pride and congratulated herself on being a slick criminal woman who takes advantage of people. ( Those are her words, not mine ) The hate I had for this faux Christian was tearing me up inside. God took care of it the last time she tried to destroy me. And I surrendered it to Him. I even unblocked her on my twitter account. She's muted but she doesn't know that. She's in God's hands.  She threw a monkey wrench into my best opportunity and thought she finally put a stake through my heart......and it failed again.  She doesn't have to tell me what kind of soil she's in. Her actions say it all. There are no 'criminal Christians in the body of Christ.  The soil she's in is bad soil anyway you slice it.  It's Bad Soil!  I don't want to end up like that. I don't want to look back at my life and say where did I go wrong?  God knows me.  He knows I'll do whatever it takes to stay in good soil and to be in a good environment.  I've got to find the weeds and pull them up. And if that doesn't help I've got to move.  Plant what I've got somewhere else.

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