Saturday, November 21, 2015

In his book  >The dreams of my father<  Barack Obama wrote,  if the political winds should turn ugly, I will side with the Muslims. I'm not going to say who is and who isn't a part of the body of Christ, but Christ and Islam don't mix.  Paul said let anyone who preaches another gospel other than the one you've heard from me,  let that one be cursed. []Gal.1:8[]
 The apostasy of the pharisees angered Jesus the most. When Jesus got angry, His anger was usually directed toward the religious falsity and corruption of the pharisees and scribes.  So much so that he actually trashed the Temple in Jerusalem.  Postal?  How would Jesus have reacted to Islam if it had been around in His day with them  Killing infidels and enslaving women as property etc. That would include the Jews and Jesus was a Jew. I know what He wouldn't do.  He would not have turned His head away saying too bad so sad and go on His way.  Jesus and Islam would have collided head on.  That much we know, and God never changes. Our President says jihadist are not a part of Islam.  But jihad is all over the pages of the koran.  Jihad IS Islam and Islam is jihad. You can't separate the two and call yourself a Muslim as The President seems to think.  The truth is the moderate Muslims are real  Muslims, and so are the jihadist, in fact the jihadist are more muslim than the others.  You can call "Moderate Muslims" what you want; Posers, backsliders, whatever, but what they both have in common is their allegiance to Mohammad. They both accept the  koran as their bible.  Try and picture someone in the Hells Angels saying, I don't rape and fight and do drugs like a lot of the other Hells Angels do.  But that line of thinking doesn't work,  he's still a Hells Angel.  He's still wearing the patch that identifies him as one and the same with all the other Hells Angels that do the things they do whether they all engage in that behavior or not. He can't say, the bikers that fight, party, steal  and do drugs aren't the real Hells Angels. It's a part of their "Koran" (Code) and in biker language that means you don't talk about those things with anyone who's not a member of the club. When Barack Obama says He'll side with the Muslims if the political winds change, he's telling you who he is. This is what happens when the church refuses to wake up and get informed about who their leaders really are and what they believe, and what their values are etc. Judgement begins in the house of the Lord,  and there's no doubt in my mind God is judging the church in America today. The good news is there ARE churches right now in 2015 that The Holy Spirit is working in. One of them is Bishop T.D. Jakes (2015)  No that's not a miss print, you read it right. Bishop T.D. Jakes Sunday services are on cue with the Holy Spirit most Sunday's. He doesn't invite God into the service. The Holy Spirit invites him into the service. That's the feeling I get when I'm watching him on line sometimes. And I"m sure there are still pockets of churches in other places that the Spirit is moving in. No matter what our president says or does with this country concerning Islam, we have the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob with us. We have the Father Son, and Holy Ghost with us. We have a remnant still active in this country and that's enough to restart the growth of God's Kingdom anywhere, any time, anyhow. We can't forget who we are. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.  We can do more than we imagine or think. We're lights in a dark world that are suppose to get brighter, not dimmer. And we will because of who's with us.    

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