Saturday, February 15, 2020

The wheat and the tares

Jesus said, in the last days even the elect would be deceived if possible. Deceived by who?..... I don't think He's talking about just the world but by the apostate churches too. The deception has already started by "christians" against other Christians today more than any other time in history. It's unfortunate but true. Look at how many Christian denominations we have today. Which ones are real and which ones are false? I don't think that's the right question. St. Paul would have never wanted the divisions we have today in the body of Christ. Especially the Protestants against the Catholics. I believe God is and always has been in both. The Elect isn't a denomination, it's individuals connected to and with the Spirit of God in a special and unique way. You will know them by their fruit. Can you imagine meeting a christian friend for coffee only to find out you don't have any money to pay for your coffee when you get there? Why?.... because the 'christian friend' you went out to coffee with saw a twenty-dollar bill sticking out of your back pocket and secretly grabbed it on your way to the coffee shop. Excusing their theft by saying,  if they didn't steal it somebody else would have. The sad thing is other non-saved people hear about this and think it's Ok. It's Ok to represent Jesus and eat the world's fruit. It's Ok to talk like Jesus and live like the devil. Do they think God is deaf and dumb? That somehow God is going to turn a blind eye to the way they treat God's elect? God's not deaf or dumb and He's not blind to what they do to others. Jesus tells us what to do when we find tares in the wheat.... let them grow. Leave them alone. Don't worry about it. They'll reap what they've sown. We all will. Today there are more tares than wheat. There are more wolves in sheep's clothing and the only way to tell them apart is by their actions. You won't recognize them by their masks but you will by their love for God and the things God loves. The good news is we can always change. It doesn't matter how far away we are from God. It doesn't matter what we've done or who we are in the world's eyes. You be you and let God worry about any damage to your house within. Jesus was a carpenter. He renews any love we've lost for the salvation of the lost. Feeding the poor. Clothing the homeless. Those simple things done for God will give you something the world can never give because it's never had. You'll be hated by the world, (and sometimes other christians) but loved by the one who created it.

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