Sunday, April 5, 2020

Why does God allow evil in this world is asked a lot by those trying to 'prove' a point. Or they'll want you to prove what you're saying. I tell them to prove what you're saying to them isn't true. Jesus was confronted by skeptics too. The Pharisees said, do a miracle for us to prove you are who you say you are. And, come down from that cross if you're the Son of God. I can't prove that what we're seeing with covid-19 isn't God trying to get our attention to be truth. But, every fiber in my being tells me God's giving us (the church) a warning. When God said He would never destroy the world again, He was referring to floods. The next one won't be by water but fire. Water and fire represent the Holy Spirit. Saint Peter said this world and everything in it will be destroyed (2 Pet. 3:10). Saint Paul said, think on heavenly things, not the things of this world. Today that frame of mind is so rare you never see it anymore. Today It's not about things of God, it's about money. The golden calf is back and even the church promotes the possession of it. Hell is never talked about. I believe (and am convinced) most of the church would end up there if it were to meet judgment day today. Prosperity not peace seems to be the message you'll find when you listen to "Most" televangelist. Comfort not correction. You rarely hear the words of Jesus saying, if any wish to be My disciple, let him take up his cross and follow Me daily. The message you get is, follow my 10 step plan and receive your prosperity. Step up to the next level with my secret special plan and you too can prosper. Most of these preachers are fake. Some are compromised usually by the love of money. Some are real. You don't hear too many real ones on Sunday morning. they'll come on at 1,2,3,4,5,  A.M. in the morning. You'll know who's, who, by their fruit (their message) What is their main message? If their number one objective is money, They're not sheep, they're goats. I heard a televangelist awhile back say, (and I like the man) I've been preaching on faith for decades and I'll keep on preaching it. Faith for what?....why does he want us to have more faith?.... Salvation doesn't seem to be the objective. More material wealth is the goal and the message you walk away with. What would you say God's message to the Church is during this pandemic shut down? Could it be that God has had enough of the golden calf? That he's given us enough time and opportunities to heal this land? This country is a wicked place today. God is angry. I believe the Church is in a sifting prosses. He's marking His own and letting the rest blow in the wind. We can praise God all we want and continue to ignore the fact that God isn't blind to what's happening. The poor are looked down upon by most televangelist today. They're treated like second class citizens. You get the impression the poor can't get it together like they're supposed to. The rich are ravens and the poor are sparrows. But, at the end of the day, God's eye is on the sparrow. The ravens have money, cars, clothes, houses, the bling and blang. The sparrows have God's Spirit, His righteousness, peace, forgiveness, joy, and Eternal life. Every person has to decide for themselves what path in life they're going to walk on. God has called the rich the poor, the black and white, Jew, Gentile, sinner, saint,........ every one. Decisions today will decide our future tomorrow. We can treat our neighbor as a friend or foe. I'm not here to write patty-cake blogs. Turn on the radio or TV for that. The truth is we have free will. There's evil in the world today because men choose evil. There's evil in the world that most of the church has no clue of. We are in a war and we don't know who the enemy is. Most Christians have never heard of SRA and what the agenda is for the people behind it. It's time to educate the Church about the systematic well organized hidden agenda going on today and why it's happening. We're in a war and they're winning. Prosperity and faith and walking in victory etc. that's all good. But, it's not enough. The Church is walking toward a cliff blindfolded praising God.

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