Monday, June 1, 2020

40 acres and a mule. That's what the United States Government promised every black family after slavery. That was never followed through on. Fast forward 200+ years to MLK and his movement for civil rights. True much was accomplished. But, had MLK been able to look into the future 40 years later, he would have been shocked to see where we are today in America.  And altho MLK and Malcolm X disagreed on many things, I believe MLK would have to admit that Malcolm X had the answer for peace in America. Black Sovernegty! Not 40 acres and a mule, but the spirit behind 40 acres and a mule. Giving African Americans a fresh start. A fresh and new beginning to live and provide for their own. Separated and protected from the United States Government. Had this been done from the start, NONE of the racism an injustices against the black community would have ever happened. All this protest and rioting and killing would have never had a chance to start. Gregory Floyd would have NEVER happened. We can legislate and pass new laws all we want. The laws we passed to protect Gregory Floyd did nothing to save him. You cannot legislate morality. How many more years are we going to pretend that things are going to get better? Things can only get better when men' have new hearts. The Spirit of God through Jesus Christ is the only remedy. Nothing this world can offer has the power to cleanse man's heart, mind, and soul save Jesus Christ. How many times in America's history has God's Spirit knocked on the door of racism in the church to heal this country and the church said, 'Not Now'? The white churches ignored and looked away again and again. God went to the black church with the same results. God knows the re-birth of men's hearts is the only answer to what we're seeing today. And we know that the hearts and minds willing to be changed by the power of the Holy Spirit are few. But, just a few are all God needs. If they refuse to turn and surrender their lives to Christ..... there's only one solution left. Separation. Let African Americans have the choice to protect and Govern themselves. Black Soverngty. This is God's will (outside of Christ). And until people surrender their life to Jesus Christ it's the only way to live together in Peace. When I started talking about this a couple months ago I was crucified for it. By both white and black Christians. But, God hasn't kept me hear to pacify and placate other Christian leaders. I do and say what I feel is right and what God leads me to do and say. If we know what's not going to work (by looking at history) lets work on what will work. Black Soverengty would give black Americans dual citizenship in a sense. It would give them another option. An option to live among themselves and away from discriminating, profiling, injustice, prejudice, racism working within a structured system to work against them and not for them. It's time the Government realizes their (egotistical) dream about the United States being this great multi-culture melting pot for what it is.....A Lie! When I hear politicians say things like "we're better than this" or "This isn't who we are" in regards to the racial division I say... America is not better than this, and yes, this is who we are. What you're seeing across America is more than black police brutality. It's an explosion and a rejection of the equal justice the Government has given so far to people under its oppression. The American Government owes African Americans a safe haven away from what they've put up with. It failed in its promises for a good education and housing in poor neighborhoods. These protests and riots have been building for decades for the people ignored. (black and white) And who suffers the most when people are pushed over the edge and anarchy rules in the night?..... the poor. Poverty is an equal opportunist. Black, white, brown. Jesus Christ is the answer to not just race but ALL THINGS Ungodly. But America can no longer turn the other way with the issue of racial disparity and racism and police brutality. The reason you see politicians so nervous right now is because they realize they may have waited too long. The Republican Congress is guilty. The Democratic Congress is guilty. The Republican And Democratic Senate are guilty. The Presidents from Trump to Washington are guilty to one degree or the other. Last but not least, Christian leadership in America is guilty. No one has taken a serious enough look at racism and poverty in America. And no one has offered a serious solution to the problem. God is done striving with the churches (black and white). Now the church has to take notice. Now, the Government has to start asking serious questions to the church and not Wallstreet for the solution to the problems we see. How do we live in peace with one another with the diverse cultures we bring to the table? There is no black or white, or Jew or gentile for those who are in Christ Jesus. That's the answer. We are all one in Him. The Government can't do what the churches in America have failed to do until we elect people who've been reborn from above into Government. So when you hear MSM talk about the failure of politicians. Know that what God is hearing and seeing is the failure of any serious leadership within any and ALL churches in this country regarding these problems. When have you heard any white pastor speak out against police brutality who have a national voice? Once in a while, you'll hear a black preacher skip around the issue but not too long. Not too hard and heavy. They don't want to upset the politicians and other civic leaders who give substantial amounts of money to their church. Until black, white, brown, Christian leaders publicly unite and come together to serve and work toward the needs of the oppressed in society, we'll see more of the same. Until they can be united examples of concern and unity nothing will change. To whom much has been given, much is required. You can't force people to be concerned for the underdogs in any society. That fire has to come from above. None of these problems are going to disappear overnight. Failed church leadership, Police brutality, a fixed legal justice system unchecked for too many years will produce what we're witnessing today. These deeds done in the dead of night are symbols of the fruit the church has for too long chose to ignore.

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