Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Crown Of Grief.

Wearing their colors
They fall, bleed, and die
Mothers with broken hearts
Kiss their sons goodbye
One more wasted
One more tasted
The grim reapers gun
One bullet one son
Buried deep
Covered in sleep
Sprinkled down dream
Sandman clean
Colors blue or red
Around their head
Death got mugged
Like a stepped on bug
Stiff in sleep
Their loved ones weep
Baptized in violence
And people are silent

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Is violence ever permitted by God? The question should be, will men ever be at peace with one another?  No! Not in this world. Men have been killing each other since Cain and Able. Jesus said I send you (Christians) out as sheep among wolves. In other words, things are going to change soon. I can't be a shepherd on earth forever (physically). When Jesus was with them they needed nothing. (Luke 22:35-36) But that would change. I think that's why one of the last things Jesus did before He left them was made sure they had a sword (It wasn't just to fulfill prophecy). It was so they could protect themselves against an evil violent world. Woe to the world because of sin. Sin, evil, violence, etc. must come. It's inevitable. It's with us and it's going to stay with us. The deepest offense to God doesn't seem to be the men engaged in the violence (to protect and save themselves). It's with the men who coordinated its beginnings. Who are the men that put this demonic thing into action that will affect so many? You can't say the devil made me do it because we have free will. Sickness and cancers and diseases have nothing to do with free will. War and violence do. When a civilization is put into play that oppresses people. Sooner or later the oppressed are going to fight back and you have violence and death again. The oppressed aren't the problem. It's the people who live by the sword who are the oppressors causing the problem. And if you live by the sword, sooner or later you'll die by the sword. When the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy, he doesn't care if you're a Christian or not. And he doesn't care what side you're fighting on. Death, misery, grief, horror, oppression, division, all come from war and wars will come. And the sheep either pick up the sword and fight back or they die being dominated by evil men. God's will for the sheep is to live in peace with one another. Not to get slaughtered. Jesus left them a sword for a reason. Be as innocent doves. And as wise as a serpent

Monday, November 25, 2019

Unpromised land.

The surf and the sands, the water, and the sea
Warn the souls on board, to vanish and flea
The rule of law, the right, and the wrong
Lay in silk coffins, with tears in their songs
Where is God, in this unholy mess?
Their god is their bible, unproperly dressed.
Crisscrossed holes, on tear-soaked floors
Hollow midnight strangers, knock twice on the door.
Whispering trees, see ghosts in the cotton
Tiptoeing spirits, split tooth and rotten
The man in the window, has tricks on his tongue
 A two-hearted soul, with a knife and a gun.

Blind leading the blind.

Grandfather clocks snap kidnapped nooses
Snake eyed gamblers hold aces and duces
Circus colored smoke nap on cotton candy chairs
Rebel rotted hands hold the tigers and bears
Zodiacs and fire chase crossed eyed clowns
The Hatfields and McCoys shoot 99 rounds

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Rat Race.

Silent haunted doors
Bood covered money
Assassinated dreams
Dressed like puppet mummies
Broken lost steps
Stolen choked greed
Buried bones on fire
Dead men still bleed
Antique rat spit
On tattooed walls
Crazy cracked keys
Nine and ten feet tall
Whistling disloyalty
Bulletproof coffins
Mama can't find you
But she'll visit you often

Friday, November 8, 2019

Lost for it!

Cracked church paint
singing ancient hymns
Blind eyed misfits
hearts of steel and tin
Angry sticks and stones
on hidden lost streets
Stroll up and down the isle
looking for a seat
Unrested sermons
on midnight owl time
Broken marble alters
old candles and spilled wine
>Lost for it<

Cracked church paint

singing ancient hymns
Blind eyed misfits
hearts of steel and tins
Angry sticks and stones


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Before Salvation, we had no power over sin. We were powerless to attain victory over our dark side. People have different names for it The dark side, lower man, the animal within, the beast, lust, etc. At the end of the day, God calls it sin. The blood of Christ has put the fire 100% out. But, the Hot coals remain hot. As I like to say, the stain of sin is still within. But St. Paul said it best. The very thing I don't want to do is the very thing I do. Paul's flesh served his flesh, and Pauls's mind served God. Before Salvation, Paul didn't stand a chance against the power of sin. But, after Salvation, Paul had a fighting chance to conquer his weaknesses and win and it all depended on the choices he made. Paul could have given in to his weaknesses and reignite the fire of sin that consumes our faith and eats away at the Eternal Life we've been given. Or, he could fight and resist it and win. Resist the devil and he will flee from you as St. James said. We can't serve both and expect to grow in Christ and keep our faith (the good fight of faith) strong and intact for the hour of our death. The hot coals within do not have the power of death. But, they're something we'll have to deal with every day this side of Heaven. It's the fire we chose to "resurrect" from the coals of hell below that kill us bit by bit. We have to choose who and what we're going to serve. The temptations will come and we'll fight and sometimes we lose the fight. But we don't quit. We get back up and ready ourselves for the next battle. The enemy can never win until we give up the good fight. As long as we're trying, and resisting, and pushing forward with the Grace of God on our side we win. Who's side are you on today?

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Most Christians are misinformed when you're talking about anti-depressants. They'll let you know (as if you're stupid) that Pharmacy in Hebrew comes from the word Pharmakeia and it means witchcraft. But, our bibles were translated in Latin-Greek, not Hebrew. The root word for Pharmacy in Greek-Latin takes on a different meaning. It means medicine from the word medicina, to heal. Medicine is not a verb as is witchcraft. It's not a religious ceremony so it has no connection to witchcraft. Hight blood pressure. Diabetes. Arthritis. Cancer. Glaucoma. Depression. Schizophrenia. Anxiety. Manic depression. Angina. Trauma. etc All these are treated with medicine and the church is fine with someone taking these medications to improve the quality of their life except........ depression. I have no idea why the places you pick up your medicine at are called pharmacies. And personally, I don't care. I know what God has and is doing in my life. God knows what I'm like when I'm not on my medications. Some day hopefully I won't need them. Until then I thank God I have them. Anti-depressions don't get you high. There's no euphoric feeling you get from them. No one who needs them wants to be on them. People who try to diminish God's light inside you because you need some medication are showing you who they really are. God is good.

Friday, October 4, 2019

There is a Professor in Sweden (Magnus Soderlund) who's advocating a theory so wild you'd swear he's crazy. I would say he is, but crazy like a fox. He's advocating cannibalism to fight "Climate Change".  Congressman AOC was recently talking to a group of her supporters when a woman stood up and said... we have to start eating babies to fight "Climate Change" and AOC said nothing. Eating babies is happening today and has been for thousands of years and also drinking their blood by occultist in an attempt to imitate what Christ did at the last supper before his crucifixion. Lucifer always seems to imitate God.  He who eats my flesh and drinks My blood has Eternal Life. (John 6:53) What's crazy about all this is that drinking human blood especially the pure blood of a newborn baby is the adrenochrome in it and they believe it can slow the aging process. It has another benefit to it. The adrenochrome gives you a high with feelings of euphoria. A baby's birth is somewhat terrifying and the adrenaline in the blood increases adrenochrome!  The more distress that occurs with the baby's birth the more adrenochrome released in the blood (the woke will connect the dots). Sound too incredible to believe? Do some research into who's using the adrenochrome. UFOs were laughed at years ago and today the majority of people alive in the world today believe in them. Cultural beliefs and things a society accepts don't happen overnight. Seeds are planted. And then there watered by Hollywood, the media, public education, the music industry. Any public platform that can be used to indoctrinate or educate people to accept cultural and religious beliefs start somewhere.  Satanism is recognized today in America as a legitimate religion. Years ago people would have rolled their eyes at the idea of a statue of the devil being erected outside Detroit's State Capital and a few years ago one was.  S.R.A. of children has been happening for years in every institution of our society but is slowly beginning to "illuminate" itself. Most born again Christians had no idea what S.R.A. stood for years ago. Today most do. AOC may have no idea what's behind her radical green deal to get rid of cows to save humanity from the ozone destruction they're sounding the alarm on. There could be a method to her madness she's probably unaware of.  Could there be a hidden link between aborting babies after birth (many in our own Government today are in favor of this) and what Profesor Magnus Soderlund of Sweden is promoting? IF, If, Humanity is indoctrinated into believing this demonic practice (late-term abortion & the blood of newborns & cannibalism)  as a good thing, it would be a win-win for everybody except Christians. In place of red meat and cows, we have Profesor Solerlund's solution to saving planet earth. AOC, Profesor Soderling, and the powers of darkness may all have something in common working together. The agenda Lucifer is slowly "illuminating" to the world will be sold as something good. Something people want. Something people need. The blood of newborns may be the devil's fountain of youth but it will also water the judgment of God. I don't know how the future is going to play out. I do know there are red flags all over our Government today that should raise heads in our churches. The church is intentionally avoiding and ignoring these at their own peril and the American people. Judgment begins in the Church. My advice to anyone who loves God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is, you can't wait on your leaders to tell you what's going on today because that's not what people want to hear from most pulpits. The separation of Church and state gives these church leaders a perfect cover to keep quiet about what's happening in our Govt. The Bible is taken out of context to make you believe blessings and good times are on the way. Maybe they are and maybe they're not but we're not promised those things. If seed faith brought in money from God, why are (most) televangelist begging you for more and more money every week? Why isn't it working for them?  And if it is working for them, again, why are they begging you for it?  The church is walking into a minefield and by the time they recognize it, it might be too late. Today you cannot neglect a good prayer life and stay on the narrow path and yet I've heard some Protestant televangelist mock prayer as if it's something you learn in kindergarten and move on from. There is an evil in today's Government and it's testing the waters as to how far it can go until the church pushes back. Separation of church and state is the preferred way. But, today you have Ceazar legislating ungodly things that the Bible clearly draws a line with and there's no push back from most church leaders. The Govt. laws should never take prominence over God's laws. We elect people to office to change things and nothing gets done because most get corrupted by money or blackmail. Very few Americans serve God today. That's why our leaders are so easily won over to the dark side with money and power. They're spiritually weak.  As believers, we never give up hope. But change isn't going to happen in the church or the Government until their love for God is stronger than their love for money. Pray, read the Scriptures, worship God in your own way and be the light the church has lost sight of. God is good in ways the world will never know.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

When preachers become phycologists the attention of the congregation goes from the Cross of Jesus Christ (and all it represents) to themselves. They turn from their own responsibility and become a psychoanalyst. They start throwing mud around personality traits they usually have but have never taken responsibility for. They can't see the log in their eye because they're too busy running around pointing at the specks in their neighbor's eye. When I see this (immature) behavior I know they're troubled about something or someone. Or maybe it's because they haven't been praying and reading the Scriptures enough themselves (which is usually the case). They throw fits at people....because they can't control these people.....because these people aren't dancing to their songs (sermons). They're so used to everybody jumping every time they snap their finger they become furious and scream NOT FARE if anyone doesn't sing with them. They think, how dare they not clap and dance to my songs (sermons). They know power corrupts, but the corrupt are blind to their own corruption and power trips. You've wounded their fragile ego and they have no way of responding because they know no other way except scream, shout and point fingers at anyone who doesn't play with them. These preachers want you to buy their fruit instead of someone else's fruit even if that someone is the Holy Spirit. They're addicted to control and demand you do what they say. When these control freaks run into a Jesus freak their blood boils. You've wounded the little boy (or girl) within them that hides behind the "Pharo" within themselves. In their minds, there's only one thing to do with these rebellious Jesus loving weirdos.....try and destroy them. Disrespect them. Insult them. Put them down and ridicule them. Lie and spy on them. Assassinate their character every time they open their mouths. The preacher turned psychoanalyst and their honor is more important than the honor of God these fools have in their hearts for God. The Truth is, the 'Jesus-jerks' will never fall in line with people like this. They're not here to build up anyone's ego trip. Your power and money do not impress them or motivate them to join anything you can offer because they don't look at what you have,  but what and who you are. If the preacher operates on the same level as the world, in what way are they themselves set apart from the world? The "gold" a lot of them are selling you is fools gold and has nothing to do with the Kingdom of God within you. The Bible tells us to pray for these people because teachers and preachers will be judged with more severity than God's fools will be judged by. People who want Truth will find the Truth in the people who speak and live the Truth. The others will be deceived by the preachers who have deceived themselves and are too blind to see it because the power of the world they operate in has blinded them from the Truth, that same power they tell us to flee from. Who's fool are you? God is good!

Saturday, June 15, 2019

And they were all divided and separated as many? (Acts. 2:44) That's not what the bible says but that's most of the Church in America today. I want to say, I'm not referring to myself or any specific person, preacher or Church in this country. But, if the shoe fits wear it. Just as it was in the garden of Eden, things were right and in right standing  so it was  between God and man, so it was

Thursday, May 16, 2019

When Jesus looked at Peter and said, get behind me satan (Matt.16:23) I can imagine what went through Peter's mind. Remember, this was toward the end of Jesus ministry and they were on their way to Jerusalem.  Peter seems to be the Apostle Jesus allowed into His inner circle. Peter, James, and John were there with Him but Peter was His number one go-to guy. Peter was definitely the leader of this rag-tag group and Peter knew it. There was some jealousy within the other Disciples if they were actually arguing about who was the greatest among them toward the end of Christ ministry. Everyone knew Peter, James, and John were His first three so the argument was probably about who was fourth, fifth, and six, etc. A few years earlier Peter would have never dreamed he'd be in the position he was in right now. The greatest man to ever walk the face of the earth chose him to walk with Him.  Impossible! But God is an impossible God who purposely mixes and shakes things up and it shook up the statist quo to say the least. It's not written down but I am sure the "Successful" religious Pharisees would laugh at who Jesus had chosen for His dream team. His top guy used to........ catch fish? The Pharisees couldn't get their head around who this guy (Jesus) was and what His message to the world was? (still is).  Peter knew nothing about ministry doing and what he did know was probably wrong. These nobodies are going to sabotage this Man's Ministry for us (Pharisees). Let's let them self-destruct and things will settle down again and the people will come back to us. That's not what Peter was thinking or wanted or would even imagine could happen. So when Jesus started talking about being tortured and put to death Peter objected. And what happened next must have shocked everyone within ear-shot when He turned to Peter His right-hand man and said...... get behind Me Satan. He didn't smile and put his hand on Peter's shoulder and say, Pete, let's do lunch today and I'll go over some of the things we'll be doing together in the next few day's. Jesus was always upfront about the things of God first and foremost. He addressed Peter as the devil. It must have felt like cold water in his face when Jesus said this. I can imagine how fast word got out about what had just happened. Jesus called Peter the Devil. To make matters worse Peter would also deny Him three times not long after that. Judas didn't know his betrail would lead to the Lord's death. He probably thought the Jewish leaders would ruff Him up, tell Him to shut up and throw Him out the door. Peter knew it looked bad for Jesus. He knew unless something was done soon, they were probably going to kill Him. And instead of stepping up or speaking up or giving his life up to protect Christ like he had pledged to do, Peter denied Him 3 times and swore he didn't know the man they arrested called Jesus. Think about what a failure Peter must have felt during those dark days that followed. People go through the worst, deepest, darkest times of their life when any and all hope is gone and you know life will never be the same again. All of us have been there to one degree or another. Despair, death, defeat, etc. But here's the good news. This too will pass. We never know how strong we are until the cards fate deal us that knockout punch. That straw that finally broke the camels back. Death, sickness, disease, loss, whatever it is. If you ever get to a place when you feel like the only thing left you can do is knock on that door, then keep knocking on that Judge's door. (See the parable of widow and Judge) Sometimes it's exactly where God wants us. Peter and a great multitude of Saints that surround you that have been there before you will tell you this---> Your God is the God of the Resurrection and the Life. Of Heaven and earth. The God who calls things that are not as though they are. The God who can make son's of Abraham out of stones. The God who says peace be still and the storm stops. The God who says all things are possible. (Matt.19:26) Trust God. God's got the map through everything.

Fresh Truth: Did Jesus have enemies? We know He did. Jesus had ...

Fresh Truth: Did Jesus have enemies? We know He did. Jesus had ...: Did Jesus have enemies? We know He did. Jesus had more enemies than disciples. Why would He have more enemies if He came to Save the world a...