Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Before Salvation, we had no power over sin. We were powerless to attain victory over our dark side. People have different names for it The dark side, lower man, the animal within, the beast, lust, etc. At the end of the day, God calls it sin. The blood of Christ has put the fire 100% out. But, the Hot coals remain hot. As I like to say, the stain of sin is still within. But St. Paul said it best. The very thing I don't want to do is the very thing I do. Paul's flesh served his flesh, and Pauls's mind served God. Before Salvation, Paul didn't stand a chance against the power of sin. But, after Salvation, Paul had a fighting chance to conquer his weaknesses and win and it all depended on the choices he made. Paul could have given in to his weaknesses and reignite the fire of sin that consumes our faith and eats away at the Eternal Life we've been given. Or, he could fight and resist it and win. Resist the devil and he will flee from you as St. James said. We can't serve both and expect to grow in Christ and keep our faith (the good fight of faith) strong and intact for the hour of our death. The hot coals within do not have the power of death. But, they're something we'll have to deal with every day this side of Heaven. It's the fire we chose to "resurrect" from the coals of hell below that kill us bit by bit. We have to choose who and what we're going to serve. The temptations will come and we'll fight and sometimes we lose the fight. But we don't quit. We get back up and ready ourselves for the next battle. The enemy can never win until we give up the good fight. As long as we're trying, and resisting, and pushing forward with the Grace of God on our side we win. Who's side are you on today?

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