Wednesday, October 2, 2019

When preachers become phycologists the attention of the congregation goes from the Cross of Jesus Christ (and all it represents) to themselves. They turn from their own responsibility and become a psychoanalyst. They start throwing mud around personality traits they usually have but have never taken responsibility for. They can't see the log in their eye because they're too busy running around pointing at the specks in their neighbor's eye. When I see this (immature) behavior I know they're troubled about something or someone. Or maybe it's because they haven't been praying and reading the Scriptures enough themselves (which is usually the case). They throw fits at people....because they can't control these people.....because these people aren't dancing to their songs (sermons). They're so used to everybody jumping every time they snap their finger they become furious and scream NOT FARE if anyone doesn't sing with them. They think, how dare they not clap and dance to my songs (sermons). They know power corrupts, but the corrupt are blind to their own corruption and power trips. You've wounded their fragile ego and they have no way of responding because they know no other way except scream, shout and point fingers at anyone who doesn't play with them. These preachers want you to buy their fruit instead of someone else's fruit even if that someone is the Holy Spirit. They're addicted to control and demand you do what they say. When these control freaks run into a Jesus freak their blood boils. You've wounded the little boy (or girl) within them that hides behind the "Pharo" within themselves. In their minds, there's only one thing to do with these rebellious Jesus loving weirdos.....try and destroy them. Disrespect them. Insult them. Put them down and ridicule them. Lie and spy on them. Assassinate their character every time they open their mouths. The preacher turned psychoanalyst and their honor is more important than the honor of God these fools have in their hearts for God. The Truth is, the 'Jesus-jerks' will never fall in line with people like this. They're not here to build up anyone's ego trip. Your power and money do not impress them or motivate them to join anything you can offer because they don't look at what you have,  but what and who you are. If the preacher operates on the same level as the world, in what way are they themselves set apart from the world? The "gold" a lot of them are selling you is fools gold and has nothing to do with the Kingdom of God within you. The Bible tells us to pray for these people because teachers and preachers will be judged with more severity than God's fools will be judged by. People who want Truth will find the Truth in the people who speak and live the Truth. The others will be deceived by the preachers who have deceived themselves and are too blind to see it because the power of the world they operate in has blinded them from the Truth, that same power they tell us to flee from. Who's fool are you? God is good!

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