Friday, October 4, 2019

There is a Professor in Sweden (Magnus Soderlund) who's advocating a theory so wild you'd swear he's crazy. I would say he is, but crazy like a fox. He's advocating cannibalism to fight "Climate Change".  Congressman AOC was recently talking to a group of her supporters when a woman stood up and said... we have to start eating babies to fight "Climate Change" and AOC said nothing. Eating babies is happening today and has been for thousands of years and also drinking their blood by occultist in an attempt to imitate what Christ did at the last supper before his crucifixion. Lucifer always seems to imitate God.  He who eats my flesh and drinks My blood has Eternal Life. (John 6:53) What's crazy about all this is that drinking human blood especially the pure blood of a newborn baby is the adrenochrome in it and they believe it can slow the aging process. It has another benefit to it. The adrenochrome gives you a high with feelings of euphoria. A baby's birth is somewhat terrifying and the adrenaline in the blood increases adrenochrome!  The more distress that occurs with the baby's birth the more adrenochrome released in the blood (the woke will connect the dots). Sound too incredible to believe? Do some research into who's using the adrenochrome. UFOs were laughed at years ago and today the majority of people alive in the world today believe in them. Cultural beliefs and things a society accepts don't happen overnight. Seeds are planted. And then there watered by Hollywood, the media, public education, the music industry. Any public platform that can be used to indoctrinate or educate people to accept cultural and religious beliefs start somewhere.  Satanism is recognized today in America as a legitimate religion. Years ago people would have rolled their eyes at the idea of a statue of the devil being erected outside Detroit's State Capital and a few years ago one was.  S.R.A. of children has been happening for years in every institution of our society but is slowly beginning to "illuminate" itself. Most born again Christians had no idea what S.R.A. stood for years ago. Today most do. AOC may have no idea what's behind her radical green deal to get rid of cows to save humanity from the ozone destruction they're sounding the alarm on. There could be a method to her madness she's probably unaware of.  Could there be a hidden link between aborting babies after birth (many in our own Government today are in favor of this) and what Profesor Magnus Soderlund of Sweden is promoting? IF, If, Humanity is indoctrinated into believing this demonic practice (late-term abortion & the blood of newborns & cannibalism)  as a good thing, it would be a win-win for everybody except Christians. In place of red meat and cows, we have Profesor Solerlund's solution to saving planet earth. AOC, Profesor Soderling, and the powers of darkness may all have something in common working together. The agenda Lucifer is slowly "illuminating" to the world will be sold as something good. Something people want. Something people need. The blood of newborns may be the devil's fountain of youth but it will also water the judgment of God. I don't know how the future is going to play out. I do know there are red flags all over our Government today that should raise heads in our churches. The church is intentionally avoiding and ignoring these at their own peril and the American people. Judgment begins in the Church. My advice to anyone who loves God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is, you can't wait on your leaders to tell you what's going on today because that's not what people want to hear from most pulpits. The separation of Church and state gives these church leaders a perfect cover to keep quiet about what's happening in our Govt. The Bible is taken out of context to make you believe blessings and good times are on the way. Maybe they are and maybe they're not but we're not promised those things. If seed faith brought in money from God, why are (most) televangelist begging you for more and more money every week? Why isn't it working for them?  And if it is working for them, again, why are they begging you for it?  The church is walking into a minefield and by the time they recognize it, it might be too late. Today you cannot neglect a good prayer life and stay on the narrow path and yet I've heard some Protestant televangelist mock prayer as if it's something you learn in kindergarten and move on from. There is an evil in today's Government and it's testing the waters as to how far it can go until the church pushes back. Separation of church and state is the preferred way. But, today you have Ceazar legislating ungodly things that the Bible clearly draws a line with and there's no push back from most church leaders. The Govt. laws should never take prominence over God's laws. We elect people to office to change things and nothing gets done because most get corrupted by money or blackmail. Very few Americans serve God today. That's why our leaders are so easily won over to the dark side with money and power. They're spiritually weak.  As believers, we never give up hope. But change isn't going to happen in the church or the Government until their love for God is stronger than their love for money. Pray, read the Scriptures, worship God in your own way and be the light the church has lost sight of. God is good in ways the world will never know.

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