Wednesday, December 9, 2015

 And hello. I'd like to clear up some things. If someone shares their feelings with you about something or says their certain God's going to do A.B or C. that's Not the same thing as saying, Thus sayth the Lord, God's going to do AB and C.  Have you ever said to someone,  I'm sure, or I bet, or I'm positive God's  going to something? It's an opinion. It's not prophecy.  If that's prophecy then we're all prophets.  But I even went a step further more than once and said, as far as I know, I'm NOT a prophet. I've never heard God's voice. I see people everyday on twitter that say,  "God just said" You're going to get a blessing,  or God just said you'll have this in a month etc. If God talks to them that way that's great. But I've never heard God's voice that way. There's so much misinformation on twitter, and gossip and lies about people it's insane. People I've never met or never even talked to and have never walked in my shoes or walked the road I have will judge me for what I don't have in life, instead of what I do have.  People that knew me in my past will tell you It's a miracle I'm what I am today. People that knew me from 1977 to 1980 saw a man who was completely isolated within himself. They saw a man that rarely spoke other than yes, no, maybe etc. People wondered what was wrong with me. What happened to him? who is this?   People would talk about me with me in the room as if I wasn't there. My band mates abandon me and why wouldn't they?  I was of no use to them. I was the dude that went "A-Wall". For three years I was like this until I took a chance and rolled the dice and said Jesus, you can have my life if you can help me. My conversion was dramatic. The healing was a slow process but the change in me was immediate. I had changed. The first time my uncle saw me after my conversion he said there was something different about me to my mom and my mother said Matt's excepted Christ into his life.  They both broke down and began to cry. When people say I'm not living my purpose they have no idea what their talking about.  Their looking at me through a very small window. If they could open up the window a little higher they'd see God has already healed me and is still healing me. I'm not perfect. I can be jaded, too opinionated, prideful, judgemental etc. just like everybody else.  I don't care who you are, if you're alive in this world you're going to have issues of some kind or another with the devil, the world, or the flesh.  Sin is death if you want to really get down to it. When God forgives you of sin no matter how great or small, that's a spiritual healing.  None of us will be complete this side of Heaven.  When people from my past see me they know there's a God and that God is real and He heals and restores.  They can see it with their own two eyes what God can do.  God has healed me, or you could say put me back together His way, the way He wanted me to be.  He's still working on me. But what He didn't do is heal me to be a prophet. If God wants to put the gift of prophecy on me that's His business. I'm a Christian who tries to be a better Christian day by day and who prays for others to do the same and succeed in life with gifts and talents I'll never have to help build the Kingdom of God.  I'm never going to meet the standards some people expect me to meet. They think I'm suppose to have all the training and experience and knowledge they do with their careers. I don't. All I can do is work on getting ahead with what I do know and the talents I do have. I'm not going to get ahead with secret promises. If people truly see something in me that can advance their Gig they'll talk to me like people do. If people want to know what kind of a man I'm today, they can talk to the woman who's lived with me for the last 25 years.  I'm not a prophet. And I'm not a market place guru loaded down with cash. Today my real concern is my relationship with God and His will and I've been right on the mark with that. When that's good I'm good. Here's some of who I'am
 >A fun guy with a good sense of humor<

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