Saturday, December 26, 2015

My family & friends know when I'm being serious or not. They know when I'm saying something tongue and cheek and when I'm being real. They get it. Most of them do but some don't. They don't pickup when I'm tweeting things in a humorist off key kind of way. That's not a dig or criticizing them. They just don't it and I get that. I'll post tweets about how 'humble' Donald Trump is and people think I'm serious. I tweeted one yesterday and I got tweets telling me I'm crazy if I think Trump is a humble guy da da da etc. In my mind I'm thinking this is so over the top that people have to know I'm not serious, but they don't. I'm halfway serious and that's what makes them funny. Kind of a hardy har, har thing. Normally I don't care what people think about what I post unless the misconstrued joke is hurting someone. Then I do care. People tell me my humor can be too dry whatever that means. It doesn't matter to me if it's dry or not unless I might be hurting someone. My humor might be dry but my heart is still soft. The only thing I can do is remove the tweets and apologize, and I do. Some things seem to be a do not enter zone and I'll respect that. If you read a tweet of mine and it's so over the top and you're thinking...this guys he serious?  There's a very good chance I'm Not serious.  

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