Friday, December 4, 2015

The parable of the widow and the judge (Luke 18:1-8)  shows us some good things.
1st.)  He gives us an insight into prayer and the part we play in it > Consistency<  A lot of spiritual warfare is tied up in being persistent and staying on it day, by day. Prayer and healing are answered in God's timing not ours. And I think most people give up too soon and then say God doesn't answer prayer. (NYdailynews)  When I had surgery on my stomach 3 years ago everything was going wrong and instead of getting better I was getting worse. I thought God wasn't answering my prayers because I messed up my life. I blew it and didn't come through on His plans. I knew I was forgiven and would be in Heaven if I died. But the pain I was in was too much. I caught pneumonia, the wound became infected, my stomach wasn't working like it should be,  I had needles stuck in both arms, a tube up my nose down to my stomach,  and a breathing tube in my mouth.  The worst part about it was the water building up around my lungs that's was keeping me from breathing normal. I had to take short little breaths in and out. As the days went by I kept asking, God, why aren't you helping me? Where are you?  Take me home or help me heal but don't let me sit here and linger. In spite of all I was going through I  kept saying,  God I still trust you,  I'm not losing faith in you, I know you're still with me.  It was the first time in my life God didn't come through for me in dire situations and it troubled me. After two weeks I finally got well enough to go home.  The only thing left was my infection and me getting stronger and I did as the days went by.  Fast forward a year later and as I was taking a walk I asked God....God. why didn't you heal me when I was suffering in the hospital? And I sensed God ask me,  are you healed?  It Stopped me in my tracks. I'd never thought about it in that way. God has healed me. He did come through for me. I'm perfectly healthy today. The next thing out of my mouth was, God, thank you for healing me.  It was slow but He was there behind the scene working.  Keep praying Don't stop.  Prayer isn't always answered right away. It can take time.  In the parable of the widow and the judge is saying He hears our pounding on the door. Keep pounding on the door with prayer. And most of all, don't lose faith in God.  Be blessed.  

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