Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Lord I believe. Help my unbelief.  []Mark 9:24[]  That's one of my favorite bible verses in the New Testament because it shows us we don't need this superhuman faith for God to answer Prayer.  Have you ever been praying for something heavy and you Think you're praying with complete faith but when the prayer is answered you're over-joyed with a bit of surprise?  You thought you had complete faith when you were praying but when the prayer is answered your response tells you otherwise.  But God is a good God.  Mark 9:24 shows us we don't need 100% faith in the things we're praying for.  When we pray thy will be done, we're leaving a little bit of wiggle room for prayer to go either way and that takes pressure off of us.  We're honoring God's will above our will.  He's going to answer prayers presented to Him that way before He answers the prayer of someone saying, I believe it, so that settles it. Period!  That's not a prayer, that's a demand. We don't stand on God's word as tho He's under our feet and we're calling the shots by quoting scripture verses.  God want's us to talk to Him.  We forget that we CAN twist God's arm a little bit but with respect and humility.  Lot pleading for more time before God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah  is just one example of someone twisting God's arm or for God to reconsider what He was about to do.  God knew who was in the city. He didn't need Lot to remind Him who was still in there.  Lot touched God just enough with his desperate plea that God answered Lot and waited.  God is asking us to talk to Him.  That's what the parable of the widow and dishonest judge is all about.  It's a perfect example of spiritual warfare. Satan knows He can wear us out if he keeps standing in the way, keeps harassing us, keeps throwing a monkey wrench into our lives anyway he can until we fold and throw in the towel.  BUT,......If we keep getting back up no matter how hard the devil hits us and continue to praying (Talk) to God, in time you're going to put a smile on God's face and He's going to come through for you and your prayer.  Unless we have the pure unadulterated faith of a mustard seed,  We're always going to have a little bit of doubt.  Ironically Catholics and not the protestants are the ones who know and recognize this more about God.  I was brought up Catholic, so I knew this at an early age.  Prayer IS WORKS.  It's not easy to "Work" that kind of prayer day in and day out when the enemies doing everything he can to slam you off course.  That's what fasting is all about.  It's tugging at God's garment hem and not letting go, while the devils got a hold of your feet and he's trying to pull you off.  God takes notice of things like that.  Believe me He does.  None of my prayers have 100% pure faith wrapped up in them. There are people reading this blog right now that know exactly what I'm talking about.  All of us are prayer warriors in one way or another but you don't need a mustard seed kind of faith for this kind of prayer to be successful. This kind of prayer isn't what James is talking about when he says the prayer of faith will heal the sick.  Paul talks about praying throughout the whole day. But again, that's different from what prayer warriors do.  Intercessors or prayer warriors don't necessarily have great faith.  They have great tenacity.  The Holy Spirit helps them get up and keep moving. Keep praying.  Wars last longer than one or two days.  Don't be discouraged if God's not answering your prayer right away.  You're lack of faith isn't the problem.  That's a trap door the enemy wants you to believe.  Don't stop praying and don't get discouraged. Get back up and keep moving.            

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