Tuesday, October 13, 2020

 ItS nOt OuR fAte, tO lIvE wItH hAte

They've been waiting there,  in the devil's snare

AS the world throws stones,   from ancestor's bones

Throwing their darts,   pulled from their hearts

knives in your back,  malicious attacks

Born in sin,   seeded within

Til' Salvation begins,   the devil's our kin

Pulpits in question,   matching suggestion

fortune and fame,  drive people insane

Greedy for gold,  selling  their soul

God only knows,  when kingdoms of old

Fall and grow rotten,  But God's not forgotten

God is with us,  believe that and trust

The God of all time,  said vengeance is mine

Leave it alone,  with agates and stones

That sleep with the rust,  in our history's dust

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

What happened to innocent until proven guilty in this country?  I'm talking about the sexual "allegations" Against Ed Henry, Sean Hannity, and Tucker Carlson at Fox News. All of a sudden we see this "Cancel mob" that comes out of nowhere and condemn these men before they've had a trial in the court of law? For years I've heard comments from Shean Hannity about his Christian faith. Millions of "Christian" viewers have watched his show for years. That includes Bishops, Pastors, and  Priest, and minister in the body of Christ. Will they step up to give Shaun Hannity support? Not only for him personally but for a show of solidarity, to show the world we're are united as brothers and sisters in Christ. God doesn't care if someones a member of your Church. I know these "allegations" are something lawyers and courts will rule on. Let the facts and the truth in the court of law, where both sides present their case be the jury and judge and not the cancel mob. This 'cancel' fad has taken residence over the rule of law within the media networks. It has to stop. Fox News fires these men because of "allegations" made by two women? Fox News has suddenly become a part of this cancel mob and already fired these men. Can you see what's happening? First, it was Bill O'Reilly. Now it's these men. Are they guilty? We don't know. Have they had a chance to present their side In The Court Of Law and not the court of public opinion or the"cancel crew"? No! The social media public square has already decided these men are guilty. That's where we're at today in America. FOX NEWS is letting a cancel mob intimidate them. So far the evidence brought forth, are some tweets and allegations these two women have made. That's all. To ruin someone's career today all you need are allegations and a tweet.  If these men are guilty and have done what they've been accused of they have two choices if they take their faith seriously. Own it. It's the right thing to do. Or, continue to live your life in a lie. If Shaun Hannity is a true blue Christian....... He will admit to what he's done. In other words. There may be some truth in what these women have accused him of and if there is, he will own up to his part. He has to if he wants to keep the peace of God in him. If you're going to put public opinion above God's opinion about you, you're not going to move forward in the Kingdom of God, period. Forget what the world's opinion of you is. If any of these accused men are true Christians... Nothing will separate them from God. God's hand will never pull away from someone because of the mistakes they've made in their life. If God's hand is on them they won't have to worry about the world throwing stones and shooting arrows at them. (the Church will take care of that). God's people are the only people I've met in this life who shoot their own wounded. They don't want the world to see that we're just as human as they are. We make mistakes and fall into the same pit holes they do. If we don't fit into the shape of their box we can't be united with them. There are deal breakers that will disqualify you from most churches with a public platform. But God will never disqualify you. If they don't want you they'll dig up something you said or did years ago, stretch that truth as far as it can go and throw it out to the 'church'.  By the time it gets back to you,... you're gay. Or you're broke and gay. Or, you smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day. Or, you sleep naked and raped gay women who smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day. You get the point. Unfortunately, I don't think Shaun Hannity will get any public support from a Christian leader until he goes to trial and is cleared of these allegations. If he's guilty I doubt very much you'll see any Christian leaders from any church that will give him support. Support doesn't equate with anyone's guilt or innocence. If these guys did what they're accused of I hope they do the time they deserve. If these women are lying they're going to reap what they've sown. Our society today is a reflection of the condition of most American churches. But, that doesn't mean God isn't at work. I think things may get worse before they get better. But God is still at work. That's why I think it's important for people to stay strong no matter what the world throws at you or what you see happening around you. Remind yourself every day that God's power will see you through anything you'll encounter in the future. Sooner or later you'll see a move of God's Spirit for repentance and prayer. How bad do things have to get before God's people call on Him and turn from the ways of the world? Time will tell. How we view the world or our theology within Christianity etc. doesn't matter anymore. The people who are hungry enough for God will be blessed by His Spirit. We are in a difficult period as never before. When we see and hear about people we looked up to accused of things like the three men at Fox News are, wait and be patient. Pray for them. That they would not be railroaded but have a fair trial and let the truth fall where it may. Don't let a mistake take precedence over the mistake itself. By not being honest you hurt yourself more than any cancel mob could do.  Be Blessed. Be patient about what's happening in the world. And be prayerful.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

I've never heard God's voice. But, God works with me.  God has never talked to me or given me secret messages for people or the world. But, God allows me to see things or read things or hear things that I know are from Him. Sometimes God can give us the yes or no to questions or things we've never inquired about. But, I've never heard God's voice talk to me. God's Spirit is all around us. Most of the time we're unaware of it. But, sometimes God will let us feel His presents within where His Kingdom abides. The Kingdom of God is within us. When I hear people say..... and then I heard God say, da did da, did da. I take it with a huge grain of salt. It's become so common in Christendom today that it's lost its impact about what they're actually saying. God talked to you? Very rarely has God "Talked To Someone" in the bible. And when He has talked to someone it was about something major or life-threatening. So, when people say, this is the door God told me He wants you to walk through, etc. If you don't feel or have peace within about that then you know for some reason, God has other plans down the road. Or maybe it is the door but not at that time. At His time. This is where most people Don't follow God's will. They do what makes sense to them. They might even take a scripture verse (out of contexts) to back up what they're saying. People with a public platform should remember that they will be judged with a higher standard than the layperson. There are new Christians that hear preachers say that and think they're doing something wrong. (That's for another blog). Most of Jesus anger was directed at the scribes and Pharisees for their hypocrisy and apostasy. The laws they made were designed to profit them. Like the tax collectors, they took advantage of the opportunity they had to control and make money off the people who were sincerely trying to follow God. It's Father's day today. What do you think God would be telling us today? Fathers want to see things like honor,  Faith, Honesty, Morals, Principles, integrity, ethics, godly virtues in their children. These are not little issues with our Father in heaven or earth. People may think they are but they're not. God is saying in His Word every day that He is aware of everything and everybody around us. Nothing escapes His eyes. Every hair on our head is numbered. He takes note of "the little things" we say and do. The bible wasn't written by human stenographers that were hearing God's voice speaking to them. Be honest. Don't tell people God said this or that, or whatever if you didn't hear the Father speaking and talking to you. Happy Father's day. Be Blessed!

Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Church and racism. I was convinced I'd never see the church (the different ministries we see on TV) begin to talk about racism and police brutality. (all races but primarily black) Now that we're talking about it, we have to be honest about it. Otherwise, there's no room to progress. The problem churches have is they've allowed P.C. into the church. You can't get down to the nitty-gritty truth. I hear things like *in Collage I had a black friend and we'd go to parties together and hang out*. The truth is, his friend was a group of 20 students he was with. He barely knew the black guy. Most Christians refuse to see any prejudice they have for one another (black & white). The nitty-gritty truth is we all have a measure of prejudice in us (preconceived opinion or judgment or formed learning without sufficient knowledge) We say, don't judge a book by its color. But the truth is WE DO the very thing we say we don't do. If there's a young black guy with a cap turned sideways and a grill with some bling around his neck in a waiting room with you. Your opinion of him isn't going to be he's a law degree professor. That's being prejudice toward him. Maybe he is? But it's a natural normal response. When you first meet someone and think they're a jerk. Then, later on, you find out he's not. That's called being prejudice. So when I hear preachers say, I'm not prejudiced toward any black person I meet or see. I don't see color when I meet someone, I see the person. I would say that's a lie and yes you do. That's the problem the church is going to face moving forward with any healing for the racial division in the country. Will people be honest and open for once. Or, just stick to the talking points as usual so they don't offend or anger the folks who donate money? I get that. In fact, I'm not sure the nitty-gritty truth can be talked about on TV. If we could read the hearts and minds of the "perfect preachers" I think you'd be more than surprised. It's important for people to know who I'm talking to. I'm talking to people who live or were brought up in urban areas with mixed ethnicities. Reparations and black sovereignty have to be talked about. I think we the white ethnicity should make it right with the black community first. We have to show them we do care despite the fact that sometimes we don't care. Most of the anger is directed toward the youth. The country as a whole may not care. But God's people do. Why? Because we carry God's Spirit within us. It's who we are. We're in the world but not of the world. The devil is going to fight this movement that has Americans finally talking about race and police brutality in our nation and in our churches. But, we have prayer. We're living in a time of answered prayer. God is doing amazing things despite the fact the world has been shut down for months. Don't let past mistakes shake your faith. Don't hold grudges. Keep your heart open. Remember who your REAL brothers and sisters are. Remember who you are in Christ. Rember who God is. And remember that with man.........some things are impossible. But with God, all things are possible.

Monday, June 1, 2020

40 acres and a mule. That's what the United States Government promised every black family after slavery. That was never followed through on. Fast forward 200+ years to MLK and his movement for civil rights. True much was accomplished. But, had MLK been able to look into the future 40 years later, he would have been shocked to see where we are today in America.  And altho MLK and Malcolm X disagreed on many things, I believe MLK would have to admit that Malcolm X had the answer for peace in America. Black Sovernegty! Not 40 acres and a mule, but the spirit behind 40 acres and a mule. Giving African Americans a fresh start. A fresh and new beginning to live and provide for their own. Separated and protected from the United States Government. Had this been done from the start, NONE of the racism an injustices against the black community would have ever happened. All this protest and rioting and killing would have never had a chance to start. Gregory Floyd would have NEVER happened. We can legislate and pass new laws all we want. The laws we passed to protect Gregory Floyd did nothing to save him. You cannot legislate morality. How many more years are we going to pretend that things are going to get better? Things can only get better when men' have new hearts. The Spirit of God through Jesus Christ is the only remedy. Nothing this world can offer has the power to cleanse man's heart, mind, and soul save Jesus Christ. How many times in America's history has God's Spirit knocked on the door of racism in the church to heal this country and the church said, 'Not Now'? The white churches ignored and looked away again and again. God went to the black church with the same results. God knows the re-birth of men's hearts is the only answer to what we're seeing today. And we know that the hearts and minds willing to be changed by the power of the Holy Spirit are few. But, just a few are all God needs. If they refuse to turn and surrender their lives to Christ..... there's only one solution left. Separation. Let African Americans have the choice to protect and Govern themselves. Black Soverngty. This is God's will (outside of Christ). And until people surrender their life to Jesus Christ it's the only way to live together in Peace. When I started talking about this a couple months ago I was crucified for it. By both white and black Christians. But, God hasn't kept me hear to pacify and placate other Christian leaders. I do and say what I feel is right and what God leads me to do and say. If we know what's not going to work (by looking at history) lets work on what will work. Black Soverengty would give black Americans dual citizenship in a sense. It would give them another option. An option to live among themselves and away from discriminating, profiling, injustice, prejudice, racism working within a structured system to work against them and not for them. It's time the Government realizes their (egotistical) dream about the United States being this great multi-culture melting pot for what it is.....A Lie! When I hear politicians say things like "we're better than this" or "This isn't who we are" in regards to the racial division I say... America is not better than this, and yes, this is who we are. What you're seeing across America is more than black police brutality. It's an explosion and a rejection of the equal justice the Government has given so far to people under its oppression. The American Government owes African Americans a safe haven away from what they've put up with. It failed in its promises for a good education and housing in poor neighborhoods. These protests and riots have been building for decades for the people ignored. (black and white) And who suffers the most when people are pushed over the edge and anarchy rules in the night?..... the poor. Poverty is an equal opportunist. Black, white, brown. Jesus Christ is the answer to not just race but ALL THINGS Ungodly. But America can no longer turn the other way with the issue of racial disparity and racism and police brutality. The reason you see politicians so nervous right now is because they realize they may have waited too long. The Republican Congress is guilty. The Democratic Congress is guilty. The Republican And Democratic Senate are guilty. The Presidents from Trump to Washington are guilty to one degree or the other. Last but not least, Christian leadership in America is guilty. No one has taken a serious enough look at racism and poverty in America. And no one has offered a serious solution to the problem. God is done striving with the churches (black and white). Now the church has to take notice. Now, the Government has to start asking serious questions to the church and not Wallstreet for the solution to the problems we see. How do we live in peace with one another with the diverse cultures we bring to the table? There is no black or white, or Jew or gentile for those who are in Christ Jesus. That's the answer. We are all one in Him. The Government can't do what the churches in America have failed to do until we elect people who've been reborn from above into Government. So when you hear MSM talk about the failure of politicians. Know that what God is hearing and seeing is the failure of any serious leadership within any and ALL churches in this country regarding these problems. When have you heard any white pastor speak out against police brutality who have a national voice? Once in a while, you'll hear a black preacher skip around the issue but not too long. Not too hard and heavy. They don't want to upset the politicians and other civic leaders who give substantial amounts of money to their church. Until black, white, brown, Christian leaders publicly unite and come together to serve and work toward the needs of the oppressed in society, we'll see more of the same. Until they can be united examples of concern and unity nothing will change. To whom much has been given, much is required. You can't force people to be concerned for the underdogs in any society. That fire has to come from above. None of these problems are going to disappear overnight. Failed church leadership, Police brutality, a fixed legal justice system unchecked for too many years will produce what we're witnessing today. These deeds done in the dead of night are symbols of the fruit the church has for too long chose to ignore.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Why does God allow evil in this world is asked a lot by those trying to 'prove' a point. Or they'll want you to prove what you're saying. I tell them to prove what you're saying to them isn't true. Jesus was confronted by skeptics too. The Pharisees said, do a miracle for us to prove you are who you say you are. And, come down from that cross if you're the Son of God. I can't prove that what we're seeing with covid-19 isn't God trying to get our attention to be truth. But, every fiber in my being tells me God's giving us (the church) a warning. When God said He would never destroy the world again, He was referring to floods. The next one won't be by water but fire. Water and fire represent the Holy Spirit. Saint Peter said this world and everything in it will be destroyed (2 Pet. 3:10). Saint Paul said, think on heavenly things, not the things of this world. Today that frame of mind is so rare you never see it anymore. Today It's not about things of God, it's about money. The golden calf is back and even the church promotes the possession of it. Hell is never talked about. I believe (and am convinced) most of the church would end up there if it were to meet judgment day today. Prosperity not peace seems to be the message you'll find when you listen to "Most" televangelist. Comfort not correction. You rarely hear the words of Jesus saying, if any wish to be My disciple, let him take up his cross and follow Me daily. The message you get is, follow my 10 step plan and receive your prosperity. Step up to the next level with my secret special plan and you too can prosper. Most of these preachers are fake. Some are compromised usually by the love of money. Some are real. You don't hear too many real ones on Sunday morning. they'll come on at 1,2,3,4,5,  A.M. in the morning. You'll know who's, who, by their fruit (their message) What is their main message? If their number one objective is money, They're not sheep, they're goats. I heard a televangelist awhile back say, (and I like the man) I've been preaching on faith for decades and I'll keep on preaching it. Faith for what?....why does he want us to have more faith?.... Salvation doesn't seem to be the objective. More material wealth is the goal and the message you walk away with. What would you say God's message to the Church is during this pandemic shut down? Could it be that God has had enough of the golden calf? That he's given us enough time and opportunities to heal this land? This country is a wicked place today. God is angry. I believe the Church is in a sifting prosses. He's marking His own and letting the rest blow in the wind. We can praise God all we want and continue to ignore the fact that God isn't blind to what's happening. The poor are looked down upon by most televangelist today. They're treated like second class citizens. You get the impression the poor can't get it together like they're supposed to. The rich are ravens and the poor are sparrows. But, at the end of the day, God's eye is on the sparrow. The ravens have money, cars, clothes, houses, the bling and blang. The sparrows have God's Spirit, His righteousness, peace, forgiveness, joy, and Eternal life. Every person has to decide for themselves what path in life they're going to walk on. God has called the rich the poor, the black and white, Jew, Gentile, sinner, saint,........ every one. Decisions today will decide our future tomorrow. We can treat our neighbor as a friend or foe. I'm not here to write patty-cake blogs. Turn on the radio or TV for that. The truth is we have free will. There's evil in the world today because men choose evil. There's evil in the world that most of the church has no clue of. We are in a war and we don't know who the enemy is. Most Christians have never heard of SRA and what the agenda is for the people behind it. It's time to educate the Church about the systematic well organized hidden agenda going on today and why it's happening. We're in a war and they're winning. Prosperity and faith and walking in victory etc. that's all good. But, it's not enough. The Church is walking toward a cliff blindfolded praising God.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

The wheat and the tares

Jesus said, in the last days even the elect would be deceived if possible. Deceived by who?..... I don't think He's talking about just the world but by the apostate churches too. The deception has already started by "christians" against other Christians today more than any other time in history. It's unfortunate but true. Look at how many Christian denominations we have today. Which ones are real and which ones are false? I don't think that's the right question. St. Paul would have never wanted the divisions we have today in the body of Christ. Especially the Protestants against the Catholics. I believe God is and always has been in both. The Elect isn't a denomination, it's individuals connected to and with the Spirit of God in a special and unique way. You will know them by their fruit. Can you imagine meeting a christian friend for coffee only to find out you don't have any money to pay for your coffee when you get there? Why?.... because the 'christian friend' you went out to coffee with saw a twenty-dollar bill sticking out of your back pocket and secretly grabbed it on your way to the coffee shop. Excusing their theft by saying,  if they didn't steal it somebody else would have. The sad thing is other non-saved people hear about this and think it's Ok. It's Ok to represent Jesus and eat the world's fruit. It's Ok to talk like Jesus and live like the devil. Do they think God is deaf and dumb? That somehow God is going to turn a blind eye to the way they treat God's elect? God's not deaf or dumb and He's not blind to what they do to others. Jesus tells us what to do when we find tares in the wheat.... let them grow. Leave them alone. Don't worry about it. They'll reap what they've sown. We all will. Today there are more tares than wheat. There are more wolves in sheep's clothing and the only way to tell them apart is by their actions. You won't recognize them by their masks but you will by their love for God and the things God loves. The good news is we can always change. It doesn't matter how far away we are from God. It doesn't matter what we've done or who we are in the world's eyes. You be you and let God worry about any damage to your house within. Jesus was a carpenter. He renews any love we've lost for the salvation of the lost. Feeding the poor. Clothing the homeless. Those simple things done for God will give you something the world can never give because it's never had. You'll be hated by the world, (and sometimes other christians) but loved by the one who created it.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

This morning in quiet time as I was meditating on the battle that goes between flesh versus spirit, God brought something to mind. I used to tape (Plaster sheetrock) houses for Habitat for humanity (free of charge). In the beginning, things went well. I'd get there and the sheetrock would be up and the house swept clean. I'd set up shop, put my stilts on and start stringing the first coat starting with ceiling flats on the ceilings.  Then the corners Room by room. Then When the ceiling was done I started on the floors and repeated the process. The average Habitat house would take me three days to a week to finish. Then church volunteers began showing up ready and eager to help me. But, instead of helping me they were hindering me. Constantly in my way and completely skilless to the trade of taping. Now, I'd get there in the morning and find folding tables and chairs with donuts and other goodies on them. I would take a quick walkthrough of the house and find a disaster of plaster on the walls in the rooms the volunteers had worked in after I had left for the day. I got on well with the supervisor and explained the problems they were creating for me  I knew the volunteers meant well, but they were making things worse and not better for me. (Drywall Taping is a trade that takes years to learn. You can't teach or explain to people how to tape sheetrock and expect them to learn it overnight). It was getting out of hand with me trying to work around these people. Moving this and working around that while they drank coffee and pestered me with questions on how to tape drywall.  I told her I'm not there to give these (well-meaning) people a seminar. I have other work I'm responsible to get done. If the volunteers really want to "help me" they can clear the house of all their stuff and I'd let her know when the house is finished. This way I could get it done by myself days before I would with them "helping me". She agreed and knew I was right. The problem was the church folk committee for this particular church had committed their congregation to so many hours of drywall plastering for Habit for humanity. It would make them look bad to other churches if they didn't follow through on it. In other words, each church within that city would volunteer so many hours of a certain trade. It was all about church politics. It was all about pride and saving face. It was hard for me to believe these Pastors and their volunteers were that petty but they were. I asked if the supervisory could let them have a bible study or prayer group or just drink coffee and eat donuts until their hours of service were fulfilled and then I could come in and do my work?...... No. They had to be there working with or without me. After the third or fourth house, I gave up. I just couldn't work like that. What I could get done in three days to a week (with little sanding required) will take them a month with tons of sanding and still look shady. So, how does all this tie into the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak? How often do we pray to God for someone or something we battle and consciously or unconsciously refuse to fully surrender it to God? We have to show God how bad we want this prayer answered and so we insert our will into what God is trying to do for us. We sabotage what God is doing. When I'm weak, then I'm strong because we have nothing to add to the work God is doing. 100% surrender to the will of God is a lifelong learning process. Especially for us as Americans. God's ways are not our ways. We have to unlearn a lot of what our culture has told us about success and winning when it comes to the things of God. The spirit IS willing but..... we can't get out of the way long enough to let it happen. I'm going to let, Trust, and have faith in God be my mantra for 2020. I believe some things are going to change in a mighty way. I hope they do for you too. Be blessed.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

If God created the entire world in 7 days, then it must not have taken Him very long to create Adam from clay and Eve from his rib. Death entered the entire human race from these two because of one mistake. Rebellion, disobedience, call it what you want. God calls it to sin. God knew everything he had just created would go on to multiply and spread. Why didn't He fixed it from the start? Adam and Eve, you're fired. You've ruined what I had in mind. God could have started over. God knew from the start that sin and death would spread and go on to ruin the entire human race. But, God doesn't make mistakes. God knows what He's doing. He didn't want to create robots that would automatically love Him. He wanted to see which ones would 'by their free will' love Him for who He was. Not for money and material things. God was and is love. We are the people God draws to Himself. Not the perfect or the best. Those who have a heart for God regardless of their flaws and mistakes are the people He draws in for Himself. In fact, Jesus said, I have not come for the righteous, but for the unrighteous. God loves the whole world. But, the whole world doesn't love God. Today, people don't want God's will. We want our own will. We'll do it our way because we're smart and can figure out how to squeeze God's will into our hectic tech-driven world somehow, some way. Our hearts can deceive us so easy when there's something in it for us. That's the affect sin has over everybody. It has since Adam. All have sinned and we have the sentence of death over us. God intentionally let it be that way. He already had a plan from the beginning. The plan is the craziest, most extraordinary significant thing God wanted us to encounter. God, Himself would fix and solve the problem by dying on the cross. He would "Re-do" a new Adam and Eve. God would incarnate Himself into the human race and finally and for all time redeem us to Himself. He paid the price and conquered sin death by the shedding of His own blood (think about that). He wants all of us to see how much He loves the human race in spite of the sin within us. No greater love is there than one who lays down his life for another. No greater love is there than the love God showed the world when He came down and became 'one of us' and showed us the way. The Cross. His ways are not our ways and His thoughts will always be higher than ours. The world thinks we're crazy to believe this  (I think the world's crazy not to believe this). He did it His way despite what the world thinks or says or has opinions about. Jesus is the way. He's the light of the world and the bread of life and life itself. Who wouldn't want to follow someone who did this for them? I've been in a lot of jams in life but He's always been there for me. Despite my selfish behavior against Him, He was still there. There's a place within a man's spirit and heart that's so deep only God can touch it. You know that you know it's the Spirit Jesus. He wanted me to know that it was Him and I did. I'm not a rich man and that doesn't concern me at this time in my life. 1980 I was a mess. But, the best psychiatry in the world could not have helped me where I needed help. The help I needed?.... it wasn't there. The food I needed?...  wasn't there. I needed to be reborn. Recreated within. In 1980, in a room above the Falls bar, a severe Alcoholic got on his knees and said Lord if you can fix this mess I'm in, take it. Take it and do whatever you want to do with it.  God did something to me that changed me. Within a day or two, I knew I was a new man. I was different. God did His plan for me and changed me and led me from darkness to light His way. I grew and had slips and setbacks from time to time but God never turned away from me. I kept growing and studying God's word and praying and anything else I could do to get closer to Him. I got healthier and stronger every year. Most people in the Church today wouldn't believe there are born-again spirit-filled Christian in jail. There are. We're in the jails and the prisons, and the hospitals, and every other ungodly place you can think of. Today my house is paid off and I'm not in debt. Some of my old friends have a chip on their shoulder because of this. They think how did he pull that off when he was the most screwed up one of us all? When God is your help things happen for your good. Our flaws can never disqualify us from what God is doing in our lives. God is always there inspiring us to keep going. To trust Him. To follow Him. The world and our ups, and downs and turnarounds are not a problem for God. God knew what He was doing when this whole thing started (the human race) and He knows what He's doing today. He works in mysterious ways and that's OK. Trust Him at every turn in your life because He'll be there saying, follow Me. Trust Me. No worries. God is good!